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Wątek: proposaid to in ipad for 100 €

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1 z 7: andresthedog

is a ipad for 100 € omi-9.70 dice a+57 318 288 4034

03.12.2022 23:13

2 z 7: aldenmaster

I think this is meant more for the computer and technology topic.
Anything can work. Just decide how much, or what you would like to subject for said thing to work.
04.12.2022 02:01

3 z 7: ArcticMoon

Andresthedog, consider this as an official caution. Not a warning, just a simple caution. In the future, please a bit more descriptive. Explain us what this is, because from random numbers we won't be able to guess anything. Thank you.
04.12.2022 12:19

4 z 7: bomberman29

i didn't understand a thing.
my github:
07.12.2022 13:41

5 z 7: nikolai

I'm guessing it's a person who doesn't know english very well and, in that case, kudos for trying.
The Program comes for us all.
07.12.2022 16:31

6 z 7: marchoffmann

I didn't either, so that person should consider using a translator.
People are complicated. This keeps getting prooven over and over and goes to a point where it makes no sense anymore.
07.12.2022 21:08

7 z 7: drahw

that's a phone number that was published in playroom a while ago rofl

16.12.2022 22:35

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