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Wątek: Voice Over Sounds

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1 z 6: Jonathan

Hi, does any one have the voice over sounds? Or where could I find them? Thanks for your help.

18.11.2022 19:06

2 z 6: hozosch

Do you have a mac? I could tell you the path then, or do you want the IPhone sounds? Otherwise I can just send the files to you.

18.11.2022 23:04

3 z 6: Jonathan

Oh, no I haven't, only my mother has. But if you could send me the files from Iphone or from Mac, what you have... That would be nice.

18.11.2022 23:20

4 z 6: hozosch

Ok, I don't have the direct mac files on this machine, but I still have the sounds from my voice over Elten sound theme from when they were still stored as the individual audio files. So here's the zip file, I hope it has all you need in there. I didn't use every single voice over sound, so yeah.

18.11.2022 23:29

5 z 6: Jonathan

Nice, thank you.

18.11.2022 23:35

6 z 6: marchoffmann

I suppose I have every of them. You'll probably find them in your dm soon
People are complicated. This keeps getting prooven over and over and goes to a point where it makes no sense anymore.
19.11.2022 07:23

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