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Wątek: NVDA working on wine

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1 z 30: destructatron

Hello all,
I have been able to get NVDA to work under wine. Currently, you have to dismiss the welcome to NVDA dialog every time you start it, but this should change soon if I can get an existing nVDA 2017.3 config. I have done a recording of how you should go about setting up in your prefixes, and can be found on my keybase. The link is

12.11.2022 23:10

2 z 30: Seedy-Threepio

I have an NVDA 2017.3 config from my XP virtualbox. If you tell me how to get the file, I'll send you it.

07.12.2022 15:20

3 z 30: zywek

Could you write a short text Aabout running nvda under wine?

07.12.2022 18:41

4 z 30: destructatron

Sure I can do that, and I've fixed the config issue. Note to self, run NVDA with wine start nvda, don't start it from the program files directory. Here's a short text guide:
Export your wineprefix variable, we'll call the prefix nvda-test.
export WINEPREFIX=~/nvda-test
Now, create a 32 bit wine prefix with the following command:
WINEARCH=win32 winecfg
Wait until the wine configuration window appears, then close it. Now you need to ensure that winetricks is installed. Use your package manager to do this, then run the following command:
winetricks -q msaa riched30 riched20 speechsdk
If the speech SDK doesn't silent install, press alt A, then alt N a few times until you hear a sound, then press alt I and wait a few seconds, then press alt C or enter to close the installer once it's done. Now run the NVDA installer by changing directory to the directory containing the NVDA setup and run the following command:
wine start nvda_2017.3.exe
Now you'll hear the music and espeak. NVDA will not announce content state changes, for example when check boxes are checked and unchecked. It'll announce them if you alt tab and back, but not when you press space.
You'll get an error at the end of the installation, but you can safely ignore this. Now use ps-aux | grep nvda to find all the NVDA processes still running, and use kill to nuke them away.
Now, run wine start nvda and go through the welcome to NVDA dialog. You should now be able to play games with NVDA. If you want addons such as eloquence, unzip them and put them in the addons directory in your wine prefix. Make sure to run wine taskkill /f /im nvda.exe before making changes to the config file, because the NVDA menu isn't accessible at all.

19.12.2022 18:15

5 z 30: zywek

Hmm, did you try to configur nvda to start with wine? Maybe it will start when you run some application.
I'm asking about that because when you'll start nvda no window will be created, so YOU WILL NOT ABLE to run another application in this instance were nvda is running.

19.12.2022 23:37

6 z 30: zywek

Of course, espeak speaks when installer starts, but when i press install nvda on this pc the window disappears and i can't go through the next steps.

19.12.2022 23:45

7 z 30: destructatron

The window will still be there. If you're using gnome or mate you'll be able to find it in the usual ways, but if you're using a window manager that's where things can be a little interesting, and if you have no way of switching between all windows like ratpoison does, it's very easy to lose focus.

20.12.2022 19:23

8 z 30: zywek

Hmm, i have a problem with rpc server. Nvda can't register via rpc server and installation fails. I tried with --install-silent.

20.12.2022 19:24

9 z 30: destructatron

Did you use winetricks to install speechsdk, msaa, riched30 and riched20? If you're still getting errors, try winetricks winxp

20.12.2022 19:25

10 z 30: zywek

Yep, i've installed msaa, riched30, riched20 and speechsdk via winetricks, and tried with winetricks winxp and not works.

20.12.2022 19:26

11 z 30: destructatron

What distro are you on? Arch Linux for example doesn't install some lib32 dependencies by default, and having dependencies suchas lib32libpulse and all the lib32 gstreamer stuff is a good start.

20.12.2022 19:29

12 z 30: zywek

I've installed each lib32 dependency and build some needed dependency from aur, because of no packaged version in official repos.

20.12.2022 19:31

13 z 30: destructatron

I've never had the RPC server error on anything I've tested. I'm on 7.2, so make sure you're using that and not some really old version of wine you'll find in debian's repos.

20.12.2022 19:36

14 z 30: Seedy-Threepio

And this is why I don't use Ubuntu Desktop anymore.

20.12.2022 21:48

15 z 30: zywek

I'm using arch.

21.12.2022 09:21

16 z 30: destructatron

Try installing wine-mono and see if that does anything. If not try recreating your prefix with wine-mono installed.

21.12.2022 09:58

17 z 30: bomberman29

why do you use nvda installer instead of portable copy on wine?
my github:
21.12.2022 14:46

18 z 30: zywek

It worked, but the problem with rpc registration occurs over and over.

21.12.2022 22:43

19 z 30: destructatron

If NVDA works fine with games, then you shouldn't have to worry about RPC stuff.

22.12.2022 13:44

20 z 30: zywek

Not works fine, don't read lists, freezes and when nvda works elten cannot start.

24.12.2022 13:44

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