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Wątek: how to squash commits in gitHub as a blind?

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1 z 7: hozosch

So I just contributed to ESpeak-ng, but there were circumstances which made it necessary to create multiple commits. I want to squash all those into a single one for clean history. How do I do this as a blind? The guide on GitHub dox is rather visually orientated. Thanks in advance for your help.

11.09.2022 21:07

2 z 7: nuno69

git commit-tree HEAD^{tree} -m"My awesome changes in one commit"
- "Intelligence and wisdom is like jam. The less you have, the harder you're trying to spread it arround." - French proverb
11.09.2022 21:24

3 z 7: hozosch

So in which command line do you type that in? And there's no way to do it as a blind in, say, GitHub Desktop?

11.09.2022 21:47

4 z 7: nuno69

You need to install Git tool. I o not recommend you use Github Desktop. It can be good for very simple tasks but once you start doing serious work and not play, you will run into problems as this one over and over and over again.
- "Intelligence and wisdom is like jam. The less you have, the harder you're trying to spread it arround." - French proverb
11.09.2022 21:55

5 z 7: Seedy-Threepio

As a blind, you can do nothing but slide up and down when a chain is pulled. That, and block out the sun.

12.09.2022 02:42

6 z 7: nikolai

Don't hang with the sun too long though. Being on fire is only cool for a couple of microseconds.
The Program comes for us all.
12.09.2022 13:56

7 z 7: hozosch

Ok, making fun of me or what? I guess it was kind of dum to word it like this but hm.

12.09.2022 19:48

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