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Wątek: Windows Start Menu Issue

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1 z 15: mad-gamer

Hello. So, in the most recent update, which was 2 days ago, I went to the start menu after updating, and there's no search edit box. There's just pinned tiles and the start list. No search box like there used to be. So if anyone knows how to fix this issue without resetting my computer, please let me know. Thanks.
Attention! The United States government has initiated effect of a new restriction on being gay. Anyone caught circumventing this restriction will be sentenced to life in prison.
19.08.2022 04:09

2 z 15: Seedy-Threepio

Windows 10 or 11?

19.08.2022 08:12

3 z 15: mad-gamer

Windows 10.
Attention! The United States government has initiated effect of a new restriction on being gay. Anyone caught circumventing this restriction will be sentenced to life in prison.
19.08.2022 13:58

4 z 15: mad-gamer

I turned on my computer and it was like, working on updates don't turn off your computer.
Attention! The United States government has initiated effect of a new restriction on being gay. Anyone caught circumventing this restriction will be sentenced to life in prison.
19.08.2022 13:59

5 z 15: ArcticMoon

Did you use the classic start programme before?
19.08.2022 14:37

6 z 15: mad-gamer

What classic start program?
Attention! The United States government has initiated effect of a new restriction on being gay. Anyone caught circumventing this restriction will be sentenced to life in prison.
19.08.2022 14:38

7 z 15: ArcticMoon

This one. It makes your start menu more blind friendly.
19.08.2022 14:41

8 z 15: mad-gamer

I didn't even know that existed. Does it bring the search box back?
Attention! The United States government has initiated effect of a new restriction on being gay. Anyone caught circumventing this restriction will be sentenced to life in prison.
19.08.2022 14:42

9 z 15: mad-gamer

Wow! It's just like Windows 7!
Attention! The United States government has initiated effect of a new restriction on being gay. Anyone caught circumventing this restriction will be sentenced to life in prison.
19.08.2022 14:44

10 z 15: ArcticMoon

I'm glad it helped :)
19.08.2022 14:45

11 z 15: Seedy-Threepio

When you said classic start, the first thing that came into my mind was classic shell/open shell.

20.08.2022 00:27

12 z 15: usuf

same here

20.08.2022 06:21

13 z 15: radiorobbe

No recommendation from my experience. I've seen such tools on different machines, and on all systems they caused performance issues, more or less.
-- Keiner ist unnütz. Er kann immer noch als schlechtes Beispiel dienen!
20.08.2022 10:01

14 z 15: thespyde

I also use Classic Shell, and seem to have no issues in performance. The main reason I use it is that it has a clear recent items thing which I use once a week when cleaning and defragging my computer.
Charles Wells
20.08.2022 11:04

15 z 15: ArcticMoon

Honestly at the time I wrote the first post, I didn't exactly remember the name of the programme, that is why I provided a link in my second one. Sorry for confusing a few of you.
20.08.2022 14:39

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