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Wątek: Right, for those of you going back to school in a bit, I have a question for you.

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21 z 21: marchoffmann

i get you as well. This is what i thought today. And the people talking to me are usually just small talkers, or are a little, idk, weird? Then there's someone i like, another friend who was in 10th grade so got outa school, moved away from here and started continuation school or idk how i should call it somewhere else, then there's someone else but he's now away in the breaks so idk. Today i cried for actually no reason and it was so awkward because when i had it in control again the second break ended but then when starting math with my math teacher it all came out but we were alone in a room. This is because we go through some older stuff as well, i still learn norwegian, i'm the only blind there so its a bit different. But she's nice at least. Well in the break noone saw at least or rather cared. But yup today was somewhat stupid idk why exactly.
Ist euch denn nicht klar , dass für Menschen , die Unrecht tun, in Gottes Reich kein Platz sein wird? Täuscht euch nicht: Wer sexuell unmoralisch lebt, Götzen anbetet, die Ehe bricht, wer sich von seinen Begierden treiben lässt und homosexuell verkehrt, wird nicht in Gottes Reich kommen. 1. Korinther 6, 9
30.08.2022 16:14

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