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Wątek: the stranger checkbox in Eltan settings

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1 z 6: JHRadio

' wondering what this means?
For example, if I only want people who are members of Eltan to see my posts, to see my blog, to see my groups etc, and no people from outside of Eltan can see it, is this possibel to do?

09.07.2022 02:55

2 z 6: marchoffmann

i don't people from outside can actually directly see it
Ist euch denn nicht klar , dass für Menschen , die Unrecht tun, in Gottes Reich kein Platz sein wird? Täuscht euch nicht: Wer sexuell unmoralisch lebt, Götzen anbetet, die Ehe bricht, wer sich von seinen Begierden treiben lässt und homosexuell verkehrt, wird nicht in Gottes Reich kommen. 1. Korinther 6, 9
09.07.2022 11:40

3 z 6: ArcticMoon

If you check the checkbox so your blog posts can't be accessed by people outside from elten, that means exactly the fact that it's not visible to strangers. If you don't check it, your blog has a link and if someone from a browser looks at it, they can see your posts. I hope this was the question, because honestly I had to read it like three times to actualy get what you mean.
09.07.2022 12:43

4 z 6: JHRadio

lol, thanks! yes, that is part of the question.
But how about the forums, confrences and visiting card?
Can people outside of eltan see the forums, confrences, and visiting cards?
Thanks again!

09.07.2022 17:51

5 z 6: GeorgeWu

The hide my profile for strangers option on the manage my account under privacy, that hides your visiting card profile, it's only visible for friends only, most people don't do that.

09.07.2022 19:37

6 z 6: JHRadio

oh ok, yeah nah I wouldn't need to do that.

09.07.2022 22:19

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