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Wątek: What does friendship mean to you?

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1 z 17: DianaCician

So I was having a debate with my mind. It's one of the things I do when I'm extremely bored.
And my mind decided to ask me an interesting question and I came to ask it here because to be honest I got a bit mentally blocked.
What does friendship mean to you?
What is the ideal friendship for you?
Do you have a friend who has the characteristics of the ideal friendship for you?
Signed by, no one in particular.
07.06.2022 19:56

2 z 17: Louisa

For me it’s human connections. It’s been rare that I found that kind of closeness. And making friends hasn’t been very easy for me, since I’m kind of shy at times. And I had different interests or was in my own world at times.

10.06.2022 18:41

3 z 17: marchoffmann

quite interesting topic. I was unsure of what to answer but since my answer won't be the first one i just go ahead. Basically the default stuff but serious. You need to be there for someone and so does the person needs to be for you. No matter the time or anything else. Simply that you care about each other, that you can have fun together, be crazy, what ever you like to do. Also, of course, that you don't give someone up. And of course that a friend is trustwerthy. Without trust there's nothing much actually. Last but not least, often people say this and this is my best friend. I actually think that is crap. Because what is a best friend. Is he better as another person, or what. I don't really like to compare friends with friends since a longer while. Of course when i was a yung child that was different, but we all grow up and so we change ourselfs.
Ist euch denn nicht klar , dass für Menschen , die Unrecht tun, in Gottes Reich kein Platz sein wird? Täuscht euch nicht: Wer sexuell unmoralisch lebt, Götzen anbetet, die Ehe bricht, wer sich von seinen Begierden treiben lässt und homosexuell verkehrt, wird nicht in Gottes Reich kommen. 1. Korinther 6, 9
10.06.2022 19:25

4 z 17: marchoffmann

O and i found something else. No judjing
Ist euch denn nicht klar , dass für Menschen , die Unrecht tun, in Gottes Reich kein Platz sein wird? Täuscht euch nicht: Wer sexuell unmoralisch lebt, Götzen anbetet, die Ehe bricht, wer sich von seinen Begierden treiben lässt und homosexuell verkehrt, wird nicht in Gottes Reich kommen. 1. Korinther 6, 9
10.06.2022 19:25

5 z 17: Louisa

This whole thing of best friends has never really made sense to me either.

11.06.2022 20:24

6 z 17: thespyde

Well, obviously, a really close friend is gonna be considered a best friend. People who aren't so close but are still friends of some sort won't have as many privileges, for lack of a better word, or be in that person's inner sanctum or whatever. People bond, or not, on different levels. It's perfectly understandable to me.
Charles Wells
11.06.2022 22:00

7 z 17: GeorgeWu

Friendship means you feel happy why you spend some time with them.
I usually call my friend,we enjoy talking about music,Keyboards audio games some of the daily life activities.

01.07.2022 20:02

8 z 17: marchoffmann

But that isn't really the entire point of friendship
Ist euch denn nicht klar , dass für Menschen , die Unrecht tun, in Gottes Reich kein Platz sein wird? Täuscht euch nicht: Wer sexuell unmoralisch lebt, Götzen anbetet, die Ehe bricht, wer sich von seinen Begierden treiben lässt und homosexuell verkehrt, wird nicht in Gottes Reich kommen. 1. Korinther 6, 9
01.07.2022 20:30

9 z 17: Enes

I am one of those who don't quite get the point with being "best friends". You know, if you have a best friend then none of your other friends can be as close to you as that one best friend.
As for an ideal friendship, I don't really know if it's possible, but I just want to say there are some friends with whom I chat quite often but don't share my secrets. And then there are friends with whom I don't really talk often but am sure can just call or message at any moment to ask for anything or just to say hi and make sure they're okay, just as they can. If I find someone trustworthy I talk about private matters with that person, friend or not. And if I don't, I may chat and hang out but consider that person as a mate rather than a friend. Such a distinction should exist in English as well. In Turkish we have one between arkadaş and dost.
Enes Find my sounds at:
25.07.2022 20:48

10 z 17: Monkey999

I think friendship meens caring for eachother, trusting eachother and having fun together.
Also some good discussions are good too.
I also think there is a big difference between friends and mates, I have a lot of mates but like 3 or 4 friends.
I think there can't be very much friends, because a real friend deserves a lot of attention if he gives it to you as whell, and you can't give that if you treet like 10 people as your best friends.
And that, is why you shouldn't do this.
26.07.2022 00:22

11 z 17: ArcticMoon

I don't agree with the philosophy about it's nonsense to have a best friend. You'll always have someone who you trust more than the others. Of course, what you are saying is absolutely true, if you have a best friend, others will never be as close to you as the one you call your best friend. That is exactly the way it works.
07.08.2022 17:24

12 z 17: fatih

I look for trust first in a friendship, and being able to have fun second. Because withut trust and respect, it won't last too long. I've learned this the hard way in the past.
I have some friends of course, but I suppose I don't have a best friend.

09.08.2022 19:59

13 z 17: Ken2002

I don't think I have a best friend either.
I use to trust everyone but when my friends use to get closed to another people, they usually forgot me instead.

29.08.2022 12:33

14 z 17: Navi

for me, being friends with someone means you are there for them, and they for you.
If either takes the time to show the other how much freindship means by checking in on the person, arranging to meet up and hang out (wheather that's in-person or vertual) and go out of their way to help out one-another, that's true friendship, in my opinion.
Of course, experience has taught me that others don't see quite the same way I do, but I'm an optomist.

06.03.2023 13:40

15 z 17: DianaCician

Yeah, friendship has not to be onesided, else you better talk to yourself, it's also easier.
Signed by, no one in particular.
10.03.2023 07:06

16 z 17: DianaCician

Also, I think a word for mate might be acquaintance? No idea what did I get distracted with the day the posts were made and I forgot to say it, for sure music or something but yep.
And if we go with that the music is my best friend, I trust it w...ok no, nvm. But yep. There will be always those people that you trust more than your other friends, mates, acquaintances, etc.
Signed by, no one in particular.
10.03.2023 07:08

17 z 17: daszekmdn

Friendship is better than love. Love sucks.
But friends can be loved too. But it is a different kind of love.

04.04.2024 18:22

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