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Wątek: forot elten login info

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1 z 4: aldenmaster

Is there a way to reset my password on elten? I forgot it and I don't think there is a forgot password thing anywhere. So what do I do? Do I send a message to an admin on here? I have access to Elten on one computer, but I need to reinstall.
Anything can work. Just decide how much, or what you would like to subject for said thing to work.
29.05.2022 15:34

2 z 4: railwayguy

I think there is an option that your password can be E-mailed to you in case you forgot.

30.05.2022 00:42

3 z 4: aldenmaster

How do I get to it?
Anything can work. Just decide how much, or what you would like to subject for said thing to work.
30.05.2022 02:58

4 z 4: DianaCician

If you're logged out, you'll see the „Password reset” option.
Now, if your email still works, or you have an actual one linked to the account, etc, should work.
I had to change the password in november of last year because it was too easy to guess, but I don't remember that well the process now.
But it's easy.
Or used to be, I don't think they've changed a thing
Signed by, no one in particular.
30.05.2022 08:16

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