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Wątek: How to actually paste Audio files into the recorder in elten?

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1 z 5: marchoffmann

The title says it all. I see many poasts either in blogs or other groops were people just pasted audio files as recordings and i have no idea how that works
People are complicated. This keeps getting prooven over and over and goes to a point where it makes no sense anymore.
11.05.2022 20:19

2 z 5: hozosch

In the blog post creation window, there should be an option for audio content, and then, you just select "use existing file", just like in the forum.

11.05.2022 21:33

3 z 5: DianaCician

Or you can just record one there
Signed by, no one in particular.
12.05.2022 12:02

4 z 5: ArcticMoon

If you change your input to VAC, VB cable or anything that's capable of routing system audio, you can record one using that method.
12.05.2022 20:59

5 z 5: daszekmdn

Easier way is select recording from disc in audio post creator.

13.05.2022 09:09

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