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Wątek: Recieving strange e-mails and other issues

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1 z 3: Louisa


Lately I've been recieving strange e-mails not ment for me. What I mean is, even though the sent part says another address it stil comes to me. And when I use the get all accounts feature, I keep on recieving the same e-mails. After a while it stops until new ones come in.

Lastly, when I send e-mails and someone replies I get it only a day or so later, even if the person replied after recieving my e-mail.

Any ideas?

By the way, I use thunderbird.

I hope this all made sense.

24.07.2018 19:48

2 z 3: thespyde

My wife got one of those, and it was from someone we both know, but the email was addressed to someone else, but she got it anyway. We both use Thunderbird and that was the only time one of us received such a message.

I'm not sure what's up with either of your issues. I have no problem with people receiving my replies or getting them back promptly.

Thunderbird, for me, is very stable. Sorry to hear you're having issues with it.
Charles Wells
25.07.2018 12:35

3 z 3: Louisa

Ah, it's alright. Thanks anyway. It could be something to do with my internet provider, or even the whole network. Maybe someone else will have an answer.

25.07.2018 19:27

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