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Wątek: Voice forum changes and upcoming official rules document

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41 z 64: SeedyTV

Is the fact that you can now choose between voice and text posts in the voice forum a new thing, or have I just been paying more attention lately?
How do you reboot your computing machine? You put your feet through the computer screen!
25.06.2022 10:54

42 z 64: DianaCician

They made the forum mixed, meaning you can write and talk, too.
Signed by, no one in particular.
25.06.2022 12:58

43 z 64: marchoffmann

yeah it has been there for a while, but idk when they introduced it
Miracles happen. The question though, is when...
25.06.2022 13:54

44 z 64: SeedyTV

I like the change. It means you can just write a message if you don't feel comfortable recording your voice.
How do you reboot your computing machine? You put your feet through the computer screen!
25.06.2022 21:21

45 z 64: marchoffmann

yeah, its good
Miracles happen. The question though, is when...
25.06.2022 23:43

46 z 64: fatih

@george I didn't know that you had autism. It wasn't obvious when I talked to you. Good luck dealing with that disability. It's hard already being blind and being blind and autistic is I guess 5 times harder.
I wish you good luck with your life.

24.08.2022 19:24

47 z 64: GeorgeWu


24.08.2022 20:07

48 z 64: BeyondSight22

Honestly, if it's 5 minutes like on skype, it's fine as long as you know when to stop talking before the time limit.

31.08.2022 15:39

49 z 64: DianaCician

You get a sound when you have 5 seconds left of recording allowed, so no problem.
Signed by, no one in particular.
01.09.2022 07:41

50 z 64: GeorgeWu

The last music in the music Fred when I press D to check the duration, it says 6 minutes and 37 seconds, is the time limit is change last month or a couple weeks ago or something like that? And this post was made on August 29th

01.09.2022 17:05

51 z 64: ArcticMoon

I guess someone is getting around the limit. Remember that you did the same when the limit was more strict.
01.09.2022 20:30

52 z 64: bomberman29

well yes.
if elten doesn't check the size of an incomming voice message on the server side, and just on the client side, then we will be able to get arround everything.
do you know how easy it was to get arround the voice limit?
i just injected a piece of code into an elten program and that's all. just reinitialized the opus recording button class with no time limit and some additional settings.
it was surprizingly easy to do that. so it is not my folt that i hacked the system. it is pajper's falt that he didn't make server side checking on the voice limit.
-- (ArcticMoon):
I guess someone is getting around the limit. Remember that you did the same when the limit was more strict.

my github:
02.09.2022 10:13

53 z 64: bomberman29

for those who doesn't understand how the server side checking works:
your elten program that you install on pc, is the client. when you send a voice message with a limit, your elten client checks if the time is up and it stops the recording. it sends it to the server program to save it there.
but if server doesn't check what is comming from the client, it will save it. so i just injected some code to the client and the server doesn't give a heck what is comming. it doesn't check if a voice message was sent is very very long.
my github:
02.09.2022 10:18

54 z 64: bomberman29

i don't use this security holl in bad reasons. but we know that someone will use it with bad purposes. so pajper must fix it. i know what bad thing is being banned from the elten or forum, so i don't use it now. i just checked how it works.
my github:
02.09.2022 10:21

55 z 64: GeorgeWu

I did it last year when I attach all my Christmas songs when the time limit was 60 seconds, and I also recorded my fair release song by Beethoven and that was five minutes and 47 seconds, that's the only time I use it, most of the time I respect the time limit.
@ Bomberman, just a suggestion, instead of making multiple posts, consider editing the one you have made.

02.09.2022 22:42

56 z 64: bomberman29

the reason i make 3 posts is because the beginnings of this posts are more important then ending. so noone will read 1 post to the end.
-- (GeorgeWu):
I did it last year when I attach all my Christmas songs when the time limit was 60 seconds, and I also recorded my fair release song by Beethoven and that was five minutes and 47 seconds, that's the only time I use it, most of the time I respect the time limit.
@ Bomberman, just a suggestion, instead of making multiple posts, consider editing the one you have made.

my github:
09.09.2022 16:18

57 z 64: GeorgeWu


09.09.2022 20:58

58 z 64: ArcticMoon

I didn't think I'd hear even more nonsense stuff than I have heard these last few days. If a post isn't interesting, people surely won't read it until the end. However, if they see one of the posts isn't interesting, they won't read the upcoming ones in a single row either.
09.09.2022 21:16

59 z 64: GeorgeWu

I usually read people's posts towards the end.

09.09.2022 21:19

60 z 64: marchoffmann

same. I'd agree with arctic moon, i'd maybe even just skip the stuff then if its in a row.
Miracles happen. The question though, is when...
09.09.2022 22:28

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