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Wątek: Any way to use Steam with a screen reader?

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1 z 3: Enes

Hi, sorry if this is the wrong thread but one can't use Steam conveniently, as far as I know. So I don't even know whether it's a website that you have to navigate or an app, but all I know is I need to purchase a game on it and I will have a code to do that. So I don't want to waste the code.
Enes Find my sounds at:
03.03.2022 16:08

2 z 3: bloodstorm

you can actevate code on this page and then use steam. There was article on audiogames forum how to use steam with screenreader.
let's rock!
05.03.2022 14:39

3 z 3: Enes

Enes Find my sounds at:
05.03.2022 19:39

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