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Wątek: windows 11 notepad strange things

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1 z 9: bomberman29

hello all. yesterday i was tiping something in notepad. it was ok. but when i restarted windows, it's interface has been suddenly change. how that can happen
my github:
17.02.2022 08:24

2 z 9: radiorobbe

Windows Notepad is now being distributed via the Microsoft Store and uses a newer UI. For me its a little more sluggish than the old one, and there are some accessibility-related problems. If you are using NVDA, the Windows App Essentials addon v22.02.1 partly fixes them. As always since Windows 10, we all are just beta testers for Microsoft.
-- Keiner ist unnütz. Er kann immer noch als schlechtes Beispiel dienen!
17.02.2022 09:48

3 z 9: bomberman29

can i get an old windows notepad?
my github:
17.02.2022 14:00

4 z 9: thespyde

I seriously doubt it.
Charles Wells
17.02.2022 21:11

5 z 9: zvonimirek222

No longer anymore.
Student studentowi wszystko
20.02.2022 09:27

6 z 9: radio729

I'm running Windows 11 and for me, the new NotePad is fine. You should still be able to do the things you need to do with it. Some people seem to think that just because an app isn't fully accessible, they can't use it.

20.02.2022 19:14

7 z 9: bomberman29

the notepad is ok but i don't like it's new interface
my github:
21.02.2022 07:56

8 z 9: thespyde

It's just a bit different. I see no problems with it.
Charles Wells
21.02.2022 10:31

9 z 9: aldenmaster

If it ain't broke, don't fix it, first of all. Anyways, notepad was supposed to be a very simple text editor, to never be broken. Also you can get notepad 2.
Anything can work. Just decide how much, or what you would like to subject for said thing to work.
14.03.2022 23:06

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