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Wątek: keyboard layout window in windows 11

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1 z 17: bomberman29

hello all. how to disable the window when i change keyboard layout? it stays on the keyboard window when i press alt shift or win+space, however everythink i typed is entered where you were typing before. to close this window, i am pressing 2 times alt key to open menu. but what if the program i am accessing doesn't have a menu? pressing escape or enter doesn't go out of this keyboard popup window.
my github:
11.02.2022 14:18

2 z 17: thespyde

Is this for the invisible interface? Alt-shift seems to work for me, but I'm not sure what you're talking about.
Charles Wells
11.02.2022 14:33

3 z 17: bomberman29

no. not elten. notepad and other apps where you type text. when you change the keyboard layout, a pop up window appears. and NVDA thinks that a window is still there.
my github:
11.02.2022 14:37

4 z 17: thespyde

Hmm, I've never had to change the keyboard layout, nor do I know how to do so I reckon.
Charles Wells
11.02.2022 14:53

5 z 17: thespyde

If you mean to change the layout for languages, alt-shift works for me. Left alt is the safest bet as some layouts don't have a right alt key.
Charles Wells
11.02.2022 15:09

6 z 17: thespyde

What I do seem to have to do is alt-tab away from the window and then go back to it. I tried it in Notepad and I didn't want to save the changes I made in the empty document so I just closed Notepad.

I wonder if it's an NVDA bug.
Charles Wells
11.02.2022 15:13

7 z 17: thespyde

Ah, what works better is the Windows key plus the space bar.
Charles Wells
11.02.2022 15:15

8 z 17: thespyde

Keep in mind you'll have to alt-tab back to the Notepad or whatever window after using Windows space.
Charles Wells
11.02.2022 17:08

9 z 17: bomberman29

yes, and everytime changing languages on my keyboard needs to be folowed by pressing alt tab or something. it is annoying.
my github:
12.02.2022 07:03

10 z 17: thespyde

Yep, that's the way of it these days.
Charles Wells
12.02.2022 10:36

11 z 17: bomberman29

maybe they will fix it in nvda 3022.
my github:
12.02.2022 14:33

12 z 17: thespyde

It may be something that needs to be fixed in Win 11 rather than in NVDA, but only time will tell.
Charles Wells
12.02.2022 14:58

13 z 17: bomberman29

no. nvda also. because it doesn't know how to work with popup windows. and when window disappears, nvda stucks.
my github:
12.02.2022 15:00

14 z 17: thespyde

It still may be a control center issue. That's the window that pops up. It may well be both, but as I said only time will tell.
Charles Wells
12.02.2022 15:22

15 z 17: ArcticMoon

Doesn't alt plus shift work anymore? Or at least it works for me like charm.
12.02.2022 20:11

16 z 17: bomberman29

it works, but it appears the window where the keyboard layouts displayed
my github:
13.02.2022 09:48

17 z 17: thespyde

In the system tray, when I land on that icon I'm told that windows key plus space is what to do. Alt shift is probably a holdover and may, or may not, be scrubbed at some point in Win 11.
Charles Wells
13.02.2022 10:27

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