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Wątek: Performing OCR for Playstation on mac

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1 z 1: Tschapajew

Hello gamers.

I recently began experimenting with OCRing my consoles screens on my Mac.
For Xbox I discovered the App XbCast, wich works just fine when it comes to streaming. My Xboxs screen appears on my Mac, even Audio is transmitted, what is just fine for recording Lets-Plays and so on.
For my Playstation 4, things look even good but not that fine like for the xBox.
I discovered the official Playstation Remote Play app, wich is not in the appstore and must be downloaded from the internet.
This does even such a good job as Xb-Cast, the Playstations screen is streamed to the Mac and audio has minimal latence, wich is uninteresting, for I don't whant to play on the Mac anyhow.
Now the big issue:
When connecting the Playstation to its streaming app, the native physical controler of the console is disconnected. Interaction with the console then must be performed using the Keyboard of the receiving computer.
Can one tell me how to solve this problem?

Thanks in advance


10.01.2022 00:07

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