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Wątek: An accessibility of banks websites and their mobile applications.

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1 z 2: Snajper22

Hi, I am planing to open a bank account and I am wandering, which website and mobile app is fully or mostly accessible for us. I'm interested in UK's banks.
I've got an android smartphone.
Thank you for all answers in advance. :)
"Czy ty jesteś bardzo odważny? - Średnio. - A co zrobiłeś najodważniejszego w swoim życiu? - (...) Wstałem dziś rano." Cormac McCarthy, "Droga"
02.08.2021 09:23

2 z 2: ArcticMoon

This topic doesn't belong here at all. Moving it to the computers and technology category.
02.08.2021 15:32

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