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Wątek: Clubdeck

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1 z 14: msuchy

Hello. Do you use Clubdeck for computer as an alternative of Clubhouse for iPhone? I started using this program and it is good accessible for blind users.

14.05.2021 14:54

2 z 14: TheEvilChocolateCookie

I don't use it for a couple of reasons. 1, I don't have a spare phone number or anything and don't want to get locked out of my account. 2, I don't want to get in trouble with clubhouse for using something they don't approve of. Would I like a computer version, absolutely.
I am evil, and you should worry
21.05.2021 20:48

3 z 14: ArcticMoon

There is indeed a computer version. Check out clubdeck, as Msuchy mentioned above.
21.05.2021 20:49

4 z 14: Urh2006

clubhouse doesn't make any sense. just another of these new stupid services I think.
When you're stuck, just try harder.
22.05.2021 15:53

5 z 14: ArcticMoon

Urh, do you know what it is about in fact, or are you just rambling about what kind of a shitty application it is? Just because reading your message a couple times tells me it's rather the second option. I also don't use it all the time because I can't find any good content, but if I tried hard enough, I would for sure.
22.05.2021 15:54

6 z 14: Urh2006

nah. I have tried it and there's like no good content at all. plus just another thing that got like soooooooo overrated.
When you're stuck, just try harder.
22.05.2021 15:56

7 z 14: ArcticMoon

Well it's not really overrated here in Hungary, so can't speak for that, but I agree about the lack of good content.
22.05.2021 15:56

8 z 14: Urh2006

here it's very overrated, allmost like tiktok.
When you're stuck, just try harder.
22.05.2021 15:57

9 z 14: ArcticMoon

And are there good content at least in slovenian? I guess if it's overrated there, there is something at least. Once I found a hungarian room but that was kinda meh. I don't mind about english content if it's good enough, and I also looked for some russian rooms to practise but I found nothing so far.
22.05.2021 15:59

10 z 14: Adventure-Time

I really prefer to see Clubhouse being popular and overrated rather than Tiktok. This one deserves it, it's quite surprising to me how much attention this app has gained in the mainstream world. Unfortunately, this also means that you're gonna encounter a lot of strange, senseless and unwanted content and I'm not sure how effective the banning system actually is. Nevertheless, you can find plenty of interesting rooms (including Russian ones) if you search, I promise. About Clubdeck, I'm wondering whether your account could be removed when someone spots you coming from computer, just like with Android before the official client came out. I assume it is an independent client right?

22.05.2021 16:28

11 z 14: ArcticMoon

Indeed, I agree about it's much better if clubhouse becomes popular, rather than tiktok. It might be possible that I didn't try to look for good content hardly enough. A really good thing should be if clubhouse continously kept learning what you are interested in, so it could recommend stuff more accurately. Because this way you tick some categories but it recommends stuff that you usually don't want.
22.05.2021 17:59

12 z 14: hozosch

Oh yes. It surprises me how well YouTube does it sometimes.

22.05.2021 18:55

13 z 14: Urh2006

yeah i agree that this can get more popular than tiktok. but no, no good slovenian content
When you're stuck, just try harder.
23.05.2021 10:47

14 z 14: msuchy

I think, that not, because I rotate Clubhouse and Clubdeck and I haven't received any warnings yet.

23.05.2021 11:37

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