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Wątek: Welcome

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21 z 33: Julitka

I see what he means; pajper can speak English and it's all right that he manages this group, as he can communicate with users, but how about German, French, Russian and whatever groups of Elten Development, which pajper cannot deal with because he cannot speak these languages?
***Niezależnie od tego, czy zbudujesz swój dom na piasku czy na skale, przyjdzie burza.
02.04.2024 12:15

22 z 33: djsenter

Well in that case, he can simply communicate with the administrators of individual communities, isn't that what usually happens on platforms?
02.04.2024 13:53

23 z 33: Julitka

Yup, but if so, Elten Dev groups of each language should be part of its community. Admin should have chance to move treats or close them if they're hate or simple spam. I'll discuss this topic with Council of Elders next time we meet.
***Niezależnie od tego, czy zbudujesz swój dom na piasku czy na skale, przyjdzie burza.
02.04.2024 16:12

24 z 33: djsenter

Oh, I get it now. That's a valid point, hopefully something can be done about it.
02.04.2024 16:33

25 z 33: Jonathan

I think the new rules are very well.

02.04.2024 18:30

26 z 33: djsenter

Thanks, hopefully they will make things easier for both the mods and other users alike. We want to have fun, not argue all the time :D
02.04.2024 18:32

27 z 33: rudolf

but before that whole tdrama in this community happened, munu was also the admin of the development group.
-- (djsenter):
Well, Pajper is the developer of Elten, so isn't that kind of obvious?

02.04.2024 19:51

28 z 33: djsenter

I wasn't a very active user back then, I don't know everything that happened and who did what. Plus I'm just a mod of this community, it's not like I have much of an influence on who's the admin of that group. I simply found it logical that since Pajper is the dev, he should be the admin of the development group, so the feedback can go straight to him and that's just my personal opinion :)
02.04.2024 19:53

29 z 33: marchoffmann

Woops, somebody's got a typo. simply like the post using the (CTRL+Shift+K shortcut. That one shows who has liked it.
Edit, also since the rules dislike spelling errors a lot, there is one I've found, Curently
Ist euch denn nicht klar , dass für Menschen , die Unrecht tun, in Gottes Reich kein Platz sein wird? Täuscht euch nicht: Wer sexuell unmoralisch lebt, Götzen anbetet, die Ehe bricht, wer sich von seinen Begierden treiben lässt und homosexuell verkehrt, wird nicht in Gottes Reich kommen. 1. Korinther 6, 9
02.04.2024 20:06

30 z 33: djsenter

Thanks for bringing it up, unintentional mistakes happen and no one said otherwise. We'll fix it
02.04.2024 20:16

31 z 33: daszekmdn

Fixed :).
About the Elten developmend group. I didn't created it so. I can only say that the main Dev is Pajper, and if he is administrator it's the best solution. He can react on posts, threads, can archive if bug is fixed etc

02.04.2024 21:30

32 z 33: rudolf

speaking of archive, the one in the elten development group is very, um not an archive?
03.04.2024 01:28

33 z 33: marchoffmann

Alert! Revival, not rewival
-- (daszekmdn):
Fixed :).
About the Elten developmend group. I didn't created it so. I can only say that the main Dev is Pajper, and if he is administrator it's the best solution. He can react on posts, threads, can archive if bug is fixed etc

Ist euch denn nicht klar , dass für Menschen , die Unrecht tun, in Gottes Reich kein Platz sein wird? Täuscht euch nicht: Wer sexuell unmoralisch lebt, Götzen anbetet, die Ehe bricht, wer sich von seinen Begierden treiben lässt und homosexuell verkehrt, wird nicht in Gottes Reich kommen. 1. Korinther 6, 9
03.04.2024 19:17

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