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Wątek: I can't install Nvda

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1 z 5: msuchy

Hello. I have problem with installation of Nvda. when I start some version of installer of Nvda, it plays introductory sound and it shows information about preparation of installation. When audio playback ends, installation is terminated and it doesn't start installation wizard or update of Nvda. Do you know, where it can be error? I doesn't have problem with installation of other programs. I use windows 10. Thanks, Michal.

05.05.2021 23:07

2 z 5: aldenmaster

I have never heard of such a thing. Try getting another installer of nvda. If that doesn't work, then use, and check the nv access option. Then press the get your ninite button.
Anything can work. Just decide how much, or what you would like to subject for said thing to work.
06.05.2021 02:20

3 z 5: Urh2006

yup i use ninite for like 75 percent of the apps i install.
When you're stuck, just try harder.
06.05.2021 06:37

4 z 5: battlestar

This may be a stupid question, but do you have administrator rights on the computer you want to install Nvda on?

06.05.2021 22:58

5 z 5: SeedyTV

I had a worse issue on a college computer once. The startup sound would begin to play, and the installer would just... die! Sometimes, it wouldn't even get to the startup sound. That PC turned out to be all kinds of messed up. The sound card would often die for no apparent reason among other things. I'd say try to install it on another PC or inside a virtual machine and report back.
How do you reboot your computing machine? You put your feet through the computer screen!
10.05.2021 07:02

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