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Wątek: What is the worst pain you've been in?

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1 z 78: aldenmaster

Here, you can tell the comunity about the worst pain that you have ever had to suffer through. It can be anything. It can be emotional pain if that is the worst pain you've been in. For me, I think some of the worst pain for me is a battle between a few painfull things. First one is being bit by a wolf spider. Second is fire ants. Third is liquid nytrogen. There's also the time that I burned half of my lower leg on the exhaust pipe of a running motorcycle when I was five. I didn't know the thing was there, so I guess when I got off of the thing, I just put my leg down.
Anything can work. Just decide how much, or what you would like to subject for said thing to work.
19.04.2021 02:26

2 z 78: bran

All I have to say is jesus. A wolf spider of all things. That has to be a huge one up there. If any of you are lucky enough to get bit by one of those that is. I personally haven't, and I plan to keep it that way.
The worsed pain I've ever experienced has to be when I got bit by something which up to this day I don't know the name of, and lets just keep it short and to the point and say that it drove me to have to go to the hospital for cleaning and stupid crap like that. Omg it hurt.

Learn to appreciate what you have before time makes you appreciate what you had.
07.05.2021 02:33

3 z 78: Conner

god damn. that must hurt. i remember when i was 6 years old, and i bent down too tuch the grass. but the grass wasn't the first one to greet me hi and call me breakfast. no. it was the pile of fire ants that hurt like ass and left bumps layering my hand for the next month after that. lol it hurt like ass. anyways, i've also ridden a moder cycle and put my leg down and well, i thought i was gunna die. it hurt sooo bad. lol.
20.05.2021 14:39

4 z 78: Jacobww3

And that's why my friend, you keep your feet on the footrest on the motor cycle and never put it on the ground wile it's moving. Lesson learned. Right?
And as for fire ants , well I got attacked by those except they were on my legs..
As for me, I was climbing on some climbers in a playground about 10 years ago. They were one of those suspended climbers that go from one to another. You would put your foot on these circular holes and climb up like that. But it was one where you climb up one side and go over and climb down the other side. I was between the second and thurd one, about to climb down when I couldn't find the hole and I fell down flat on my back. it knocked the wind out of me and my back was sore for a hole week. Man it hurt.
All of you are amazing. Never forget it!
20.05.2021 17:47

5 z 78: Conner

ouch god man. its good your head didn't hit the ground, or that would be real bad. and this was my ffirst time on a moder sycle and i had no idea. roflflflflfl
20.05.2021 19:09

6 z 78: Jacobww3

Oh. Now that I look at it, you're right. Good thing I didn't hit my head on the ground. I mean it was winter so the snow made my landing a little softer but not soft for my body that's for sure.
All of you are amazing. Never forget it!
21.05.2021 01:44

7 z 78: Conner

oof bro that must have sucked ass. lol
21.05.2021 01:51

8 z 78: Jacobww3

It did. It really did.
All of you are amazing. Never forget it!
21.05.2021 04:47

9 z 78: Conner

oof rofl
21.05.2021 13:34

10 z 78: SeedyTV

I went to sit down in my bedroom, didn't realize the TV table was right in front of me, and... crack! The next thing I knew, my left eye was covered in blood, and I wound up with a black eye! Almost 6 years later, I believe I still have a small scar on my eye from when it happened.
How do you reboot your computing machine? You put your feet through the computer screen!
25.05.2021 06:51

11 z 78: TechCommunist

LOL all of these are eye related, so strap yourself in. When I was in First year in Primary school, some bees stung me in my eye. Not very pleasurable, and it was pretty well-known in my school where everyone thought it was what made me low vision. Nextly, my brother and I was playing in the stuff room, and we had lots of books, and smaaaaaaaaack! I got a bible to the eye. They had to drain it out, but the pain came after. I couldn't eat anything and I went intoa short period of unresponsiveness and my mother had to rush me to the hospital. So yeah kids, Don't fucking throw books
Glory to Communism!
31.05.2021 05:21

12 z 78: Conner

jesus christ

03.06.2021 03:46

13 z 78: Conner

i will never throw abook again

03.06.2021 03:46

14 z 78: camila

1. Bad flares or rheumatoid arthritis.
2. When I fell down the stairs.
"I have become comfortably numb."
13.06.2021 19:33

15 z 78: mattcurtis

back in 2017, I was at a lake, and I think at 1 point I tripped on a rock or something, not exactly sure, all I know is my leg was in pain, my parents took me to the hospital and, low and behold, I broke my dam ankle
28.06.2022 10:13

16 z 78: DianaCician

I was like 9 years old more or less.
At that time, I was in a boarding school.
One day, my dad came with a family friend to surprise me and take me home for the weekend.
I was happy, obviously very happy, and I ran to the stairs forgetting that the railing on the stairs was iron and had a sharp thing at the level of my eye, and I hit the poor eye because obviously I wasn't paying attention to my surroundings and wanted to get out as fast as possible to the car.
To this day I have a small scar there but it's only noticeable if you see, and if you look very carefully. But it hurt horribly bad.
Signed by, no one in particular.
28.06.2022 11:42

17 z 78: marchoffmann

Miracles happen. The question though, is when...
28.06.2022 12:26

18 z 78: marchoffmann

the eye is really a bad point to be hurt.
Miracles happen. The question though, is when...
28.06.2022 12:27

19 z 78: techboy

some pain i had recently is when i had my brother out side with me and he threw a water gun at me,
but my worst pain was whn i ran into a wall because i was running.
Trussville roll: Deep-fried, smoked salmon, crab salad, cream cheese, topped with mango sauce, sweet soy-reduction, green onion. MMMMM
01.07.2022 21:30

20 z 78: SeedyTV

7 years today.
-- (SeedyTV):
I went to sit down in my bedroom, didn't realize the TV table was right in front of me, and... crack! The next thing I knew, my left eye was covered in blood, and I wound up with a black eye! Almost 6 years later, I believe I still have a small scar on my eye from when it happened.

How do you reboot your computing machine? You put your feet through the computer screen!
01.07.2022 21:49

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