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Wątek: JAWS 9

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1 z 35: SeedyTV

If anyone has a copy of JAWS 9.0 lying around, could they please send it my way? I've turned the web upside down, but can't find one anywhere. The only place I haven't looked is, but I can't get on that site right now because I'm still on a hotspot connection and my carrier thinks i'm under 18.
Please note: I'm not looking for a crack or anything, I'm looking for a real, genuine, honest-to-god copy of JAWS 9.0.
How do you reboot your computing machine? You put your feet through the computer screen!
17.04.2021 21:36

2 z 35: hozosch

Why this particular version?

18.04.2021 11:12

3 z 35: SeedyTV

For my retro software collection :). Also I'd like to install it on a VM.
How do you reboot your computing machine? You put your feet through the computer screen!
18.04.2021 11:15

4 z 35: hozosch

On the german freedom scientific page, there is jaws 9. It is set to German by default, but it can be set to English. The only con would be that the installation is German too, so that wouldn't work for you I guess.

18.04.2021 11:19

5 z 35: SeedyTV

I know how to count in German, that's about it lol so the only thing I'd understand is JAWS neun
How do you reboot your computing machine? You put your feet through the computer screen!
18.04.2021 11:22

6 z 35: hozosch

I'm just looking on, there's a folder in the utilities section. Let's see what It contains, have no idea. There's no description for the stuff on there, it's just a file index page.

18.04.2021 11:24

7 z 35: SeedyTV

Somehow I doubt it contains my desired version.
How do you reboot your computing machine? You put your feet through the computer screen!
18.04.2021 11:25

8 z 35: hozosch

Unfortunately, you're right. There is a separate section on old Jaws versions on that site too, but it only contains the versions from 3 up to 7.

18.04.2021 11:26

9 z 35: SeedyTV

There's 8 in that folder as well I think, but not 9 :(
How do you reboot your computing machine? You put your feet through the computer screen!
18.04.2021 11:28

10 z 35: hozosch

Ah yes. Just looked on the web archive too, but no luck either. I found the download link, but it didn't work.

18.04.2021 11:37

11 z 35: SeedyTV

The previous versions page only goes down to 10 as well.
How do you reboot your computing machine? You put your feet through the computer screen!
18.04.2021 11:39

12 z 35: bloodstorm

I know where to get Russian version of jaws 9, maybe it is a better alternative to the German version haha
let's rock!
18.04.2021 21:07

13 z 35: SeedyTV

I need an English version as that's the only language I understand fully having spoken it all my life lol
How do you reboot your computing machine? You put your feet through the computer screen!
19.04.2021 05:55

14 z 35: disquete

I want a Spanish version of jaws 9
Windows XP forever!
01.09.2021 07:30

15 z 35: bomberman29

i have jaws 5 in russia on a cd.
my github:
01.09.2021 11:46

16 z 35: disquete

I want to make a "repository" with old versions of jaws (older than 10) in Spanish, so thanks if someone can provide me links. Unfortunatelly that won't be easy to find.
Windows XP forever!
01.09.2021 14:10

17 z 35: usuf

I had a coppy of jaws9 at one point. I will look for you

15.08.2022 00:08

18 z 35: usuf

here you go.

15.08.2022 00:14

19 z 35: ArcticMoon

A hungarian page also has jaws9, and if you have some spare minutes, I could guide you through the installation, as my mothertongue is hungarian.
#StandWithRussia Shoot for the moon. Even if you miss, you can blame your failure on any of the "terrorist" states.
15.08.2022 17:00

20 z 35: usuf

i have already sent a link to the U.s vertion of jaws9

16.08.2022 01:02

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