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Wątek: the online mode of bop it ultimate

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1 z 12: TheEvilChocolateCookie

Hi guys. I was just wondering if the online mode still works in Bop it ultimate? If so, how, and would anyone be interested in a game?
I am evil, and you should worry
11.04.2021 18:33

2 z 12: SeedyTV

I believe it allows for CSH, so it'll work as long as the person you want to play with has a server fired up. I wish there were more CSH games out there.
How do you reboot your computing machine? You put your feet through the computer screen!
14.04.2021 12:25

3 z 12: blackspel

and how does this server start and how does it connect to that server?
sometimes is good be blind
14.04.2021 12:46

4 z 12: thedominator

I don't thingk that works any mor.

10.05.2023 02:16

5 z 12: Adasadula

I'm interested, but I dont know how to make this

-- (TheEvilChocolateCookie):
Hi guys. I was just wondering if the online mode still works in Bop it ultimate? If so, how, and would anyone be interested in a game?

Jednakże, dzięki swojej odwadze i determinacji, Cicikowi udało się ostatecznie pokonać czarownika i uwolnić ciumbaki. Po powrocie do domu, Cicik z radością zaczął zbierać nowe ciumbaki i bawił się nimi przez długie godziny, wiedząc, że są one teraz bezpieczne i szczęśliwe.
10.05.2023 18:20

6 z 12: Fcnjd

I'm interested, but am pretty sure that it works, as long as you don't have a router in your way that blocks your connection (hint: You most likely have that, so prepare for a research on how to open ports in your router +in your local firewall). Anyway, since if I didn't misunderstand all things, Bop It Ultimate didn't have a metaserver, so if we managed to find one person who would be willing to open his/her ports and tell us the public IP address (just in time, because dynamic addresses change every 24 hours), we could have a game!
Der Fuchs ist schlau und stellt sich dumm, beim Nazi ist es andersrum.
17.05.2023 19:34

7 z 12: Fcnjd

Oh where was my mind gone lol? I completely forgot about dyndns. If you set one up, like or, you don't need to wory about changing IP addresses because it gets updated automatically. Sorry, forgot that for a moment.
Der Fuchs ist schlau und stellt sich dumm, beim Nazi ist es andersrum.
17.05.2023 19:37

8 z 12: daszekmdn

If you need a server if it can be stable and work 24/7 without any ingerention, maybe i can help.

17.05.2023 22:32

9 z 12: Adasadula

I too can, but I dont know how to connect with this :(
Jednakże, dzięki swojej odwadze i determinacji, Cicikowi udało się ostatecznie pokonać czarownika i uwolnić ciumbaki. Po powrocie do domu, Cicik z radością zaczął zbierać nowe ciumbaki i bawił się nimi przez długie godziny, wiedząc, że są one teraz bezpieczne i szczęśliwe.
18.05.2023 07:23

10 z 12: Fcnjd

Well thanks for offering that, but this will most likely not help, since there's not a server component you can connect to. Instead they do it like Peer2peer, one player is the host, and the other ones connect directly to his client. I don't like this approach, but anyway that's how this thing works.
Der Fuchs ist schlau und stellt sich dumm, beim Nazi ist es andersrum.
18.05.2023 20:49

11 z 12: bomberman29

hamachi or ngroc maybe?
my github:
04.06.2023 18:35

12 z 12: Fcnjd

Never heard of ngrok before, but yep sounds like a good idea.
Der Fuchs ist schlau und stellt sich dumm, beim Nazi ist es andersrum.
05.06.2023 15:50

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