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Wątek: Importing existing WordPress into Elten

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1 z 3: SeedyTV

I have a self-hosted WordPress blog that resides on my friend's VPS. Is there a way I can import this blog into Elten to avoid having to create a new blog in Elten and rebuild the entire thing from scratch?
Thanks in advance.
How do you reboot your computing machine? You put your feet through the computer screen!
14.02.2021 02:05

2 z 3: pajper

1. Sign in to your old WordPress blog and select "Tools", "Export".
2. Select content to be exported and click "Download Export File".
3. Create Elten blog from Elten Client.
4. Go to "Blog options" and select category "Others".
5. Select option "My Wordpress account".
6. Write down your Wordpress account name.
7. Press "Set new Wordpress password" and select a password for your WordPress account.
8. Go back to blogs list and from context menu select option "Copy blog URL".
9. Paste the URL to the browser appending "wp-admin" to the end, for example if your blog URL is "", change it to "".
10. Sign in with your WordPress username and password.
11. Go to plugins and activate plugin called "WordPress Importer".
12. Go to "Tools", "Import".
13. In importers section, find "Wordpress" and click "Run WordPress".
14. Select your backup file and press "Upload file and import".
15. From list called "or assign posts to an existing user" select your Elten WordPress account.
16. Click "Submit".
#StandWithUkraine Shoot for the Moon. Even if you miss, you'll land among the stars.
14.02.2021 09:03

3 z 3: SeedyTV

Oh, it has to be done from the standard WordPress admin panel, rather than the Elten client itself? Thanks for the info.
How do you reboot your computing machine? You put your feet through the computer screen!
14.02.2021 09:22

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