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Wątek: Facebook Client or Instagram client for windows

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1 z 4: msuchy

Hello. Is any Facebook client or Instagram client for windows that I don't have to work only in web interface? I mean something like this like for example TWBlue. There are tree lists, lists and buttons in main window. Thanks, Michal.

04.02.2021 06:56

2 z 4: thespyde

I believe Facebook killed all third-party clients.
Charles Wells
04.02.2021 10:35

3 z 4: Louisa

That's a pity. Something else besides the website could've been nice.

04.02.2021 21:32

4 z 4: bomberman29

if there is a website, than you can make a client^ if it is not a web program. all message sendings or friends lists are got with http requests. please correct me if i am mistaking.
my github:
05.02.2021 10:54

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