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Wątek: Does anyone have Nokia Screenreader file?

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21 z 28: hozosch

Well, I think it has a very nice keyboard feel, and it certainly does its job too. as for Apps, the symbian app store obviously doesn't exist anymore, so you have to get them from external sources.

31.01.2021 12:12

22 z 28: etno

I would recommend the N85 or N86.
Religion ist Opium fürs Volk!
02.02.2021 19:43

23 z 28: hozosch

Ah yes, Wi-Fi Connections. This doesn't work with the C5. Actually, I'm not sure which phones had that exactly, but definitely ones from the N siries.

02.02.2021 22:00

24 z 28: gamer30

do they use tutch screans or buttons? just wondering because don't know how some symbion apps work with that kind of thing

05.02.2021 23:49

25 z 28: hozosch

Those two phones mentioned all have buttons.

06.02.2021 11:17

26 z 28: Enes

I have used an E66 and been still using an E72. I would recommend both, for particular purposes.
An E66 is probably one of the best models to mess around with the system and learn how Symbian operates. An E72, on the other hand, could be one of the most practical devices with its QWERTY keyboard, relatively new firmware and decent processor/memory.
I also have gigs of Symbian stuff, so you may just get in touch with me.
Enes Find my sounds at:
17.02.2021 13:32

27 z 28: Enes

Well I also have a still working 5230 Xpress Music if I remember the model correctly, but it's much harder to use with Talks unless you're familiar with Mobile Speak.
Enes Find my sounds at:
17.02.2021 13:34

28 z 28: Enes

By the way, access to is denied.
Enes Find my sounds at:
17.02.2021 15:29

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