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Wątek: Your Bugs and Problems With Elten

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161 z 215: nikolai

I mean, coming from a person who wants to professionaly commercialize his creations, your atitude has kind of an I am a 10 year old vibe.
The Program comes for us all.
12.10.2022 16:14

162 z 215: Enes

Man, I won't do any of those, okay. Got it? I am just talking about some possible methods to circumvent that restore procedure. And I won't do them but anyone can.
Enes Find my sounds at:
12.10.2022 20:40

163 z 215: fatih

When a call comes in, I have to click the answer call button twice to activate it. It doesn't work for the first time.

22.10.2022 15:22

164 z 215: Emrah20

What? It is very crazy.
Ja volim samo kafu sa Rakijom.
22.10.2022 17:43

165 z 215: marchoffmann

When I delete a conversation, it still shows up, I just can't read its content anymore.
26.10.2022 17:33

166 z 215: thespyde

I've noticed this at times. What I do is hit escape, then go back into messages. Deleting a conversation from the root of messages is better, if that makes sense. I don't seem to notice the bug or whatever this is that way. In other words, find the conversation you want to delete, don't open it but just delete it. I hope this makes sense and helps.
Charles Wells
28.10.2022 12:06

167 z 215: marchoffmann

well when I delete it it even disappears but when I go back to that user and the messages I've exchanged it shows it again so yeah I can't get rid of those
28.10.2022 12:59

168 z 215: Louisa

What happend to the ability to mark posts as read? It's disappeared at least by me.

28.10.2022 22:48

169 z 215: marchoffmann

I don't know. For me it should still be there.
29.10.2022 15:19

170 z 215: Louisa

Strange then.

30.10.2022 21:14

171 z 215: marchoffmann

yeah there's literally nothing. I can do to change this. I think the problem is it deletes just the content of the conversations, however the conversation entry stays.
01.11.2022 18:47

172 z 215: marchoffmann

This is probably also why I can click on its name and it leaves again
01.11.2022 18:48

173 z 215: fatih

Elten cannot work in the background.
When I alt+tab away from elten while an update is downloading or when the ap is busy, for example loading something like what's new etc., the whole processs stops untill I return to the elten window.

09.11.2022 20:37

174 z 215: papierek

It is known issue and will not be fixed until elten will be using rgss32. And, personally, it should happen many years ago, but we can not have everything.
po co mi sygnatura?
09.11.2022 22:09

175 z 215: fatih

How is the development going by the way? Is it stopped or something? Because I'm not seeing any updates for months.

10.11.2022 09:52

176 z 215: papierek

This is the date of the last version. And it was big update, so, really don't think so. And new beta versions are released from time to time.
po co mi sygnatura?
10.11.2022 12:53

177 z 215: bomberman29

yeah there are betas but very slowly. i hope we will start to test elten3 beta1 soon.
my github:
10.11.2022 14:18

178 z 215: Anis

Dear Sir/Madam,
I am writing to express my disappointment with the Elten program. One of my main concerns is the composition of the support team, as the Elten network seems to be mostly comprised of Polish individuals. This is not acceptable for a program that aims to have a global presence, as it is imperative that support partners from each country where Elten operates are available.
Additionally, I would like to bring to your attention the poor performance of the admin for the German community, Hozosch. He is never available, ignores his responsibilities, and does not provide the necessary support to the German users. In my opinion, he should be immediately replaced with someone who is more dedicated and capable of fulfilling their duties.
I hope that my concerns will be taken into consideration and prompt action will be taken to improve the Elten program.
Thank you for your time and consideration.

10.02.2023 00:08

179 z 215: bomberman29

I see this post 2 times. are you serious?
-- (Anis):
Dear Sir/Madam,
I am writing to express my disappointment with the Elten program. One of my main concerns is the composition of the support team, as the Elten network seems to be mostly comprised of Polish individuals. This is not acceptable for a program that aims to have a global presence, as it is imperative that support partners from each country where Elten operates are available.
Additionally, I would like to bring to your attention the poor performance of the admin for the German community, Hozosch. He is never available, ignores his responsibilities, and does not provide the necessary support to the German users. In my opinion, he should be immediately replaced with someone who is more dedicated and capable of fulfilling their duties.
I hope that my concerns will be taken into consideration and prompt action will be taken to improve the Elten program.
Thank you for your time and consideration.

my github:
10.02.2023 12:43

180 z 215: Jonathan

I have a completely other problem, I can't copie text posts with nvda speachhistory anymore.

10.02.2023 14:16

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