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Wątek: Your Bugs and Problems With Elten

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141 z 215: papierek

Deleting account could be difficult or impossible. Your account is connected to your posts, forms etc. Even on facebook, only data from your profile is removed, not really your account. Here, you can remove your data as well.
po co mi sygnatura?
08.10.2022 14:15

142 z 215: marchoffmann

well elten is not the first forum which works this way. It could just say this user is deleted if you want more info, visiting card, status etc
08.10.2022 18:56

143 z 215: marchoffmann

Another reason why this program needs way more updates, even if little ones.
08.10.2022 18:56

144 z 215: DianaCician

Yeah, true, also was thinking that would be nice to implement a username change or to be able if you can't delete your account to put something else, or simply if you don't like yours.
I mean, even aproved by pajper but I dought he'd have time to check them but still he could put someone?
Signed by, no one in particular.
08.10.2022 19:04

145 z 215: nikolai

How about an account deactivation feature?

Kinda like an account bann, accept you can reverse it should you want to, and if you encounter posts made by the account, there is a flagg that says the account is no longer in use?
That could make it less tricky, and would eliminate a lot of work that the server has to do to purge your things from all it's databases.
The Program comes for us all.
08.10.2022 23:55

146 z 215: marchoffmann

09.10.2022 09:09

147 z 215: Enes

Elten already does have the feature to let you delete your posts and blog, so it can just ask you to delete all your posts and user data, including polls, messages and contacts, if you choose to delete your account entirely. By the way, here's another thing that could be fixed: I would love to hear that an attachment has successfully been downloaded and saved because I have an unreliable connection and all I hear is percentages and then I can't know whether the download is completed or interrupted.
Enes Find my sounds at:
09.10.2022 20:26

148 z 215: marchoffmann

it actually tells you that. Plus if you could delete your posts which you can' unless you're an admin, at least in forums, it wouldn't make sence if you get reply's to it and people would wonder
09.10.2022 20:46

149 z 215: DianaCician

Yeah, that would mean that a good part of the thread has to be deleted and edited just because you deleted a post.
Signed by, no one in particular.
10.10.2022 07:04

150 z 215: Enes

I can edit all my forum posts and replace them with spaces.
Enes Find my sounds at:
11.10.2022 20:14

151 z 215: DianaCician

Can you remember all the threads and posts you made? It's going to be a lot of work though.
Just talk to pajper. He doesn't bite.
Signed by, no one in particular.
11.10.2022 20:16

152 z 215: Enes

Yeah, he doesn't hurt as much as you do. Plus, I did message him already and decided to not delete my account. I will log in from time to time and see if there are any new posts in threads I follow. Also, the fact that I was already talking about deleting my account and all my data, should mean that I wanted to erase all my posts forever, which should mean that I didn't care much about remembering them. The ones that I really want to preserve also for anyone to benefit from, I can definitely leave as it is, so don't worry about that.
Enes Find my sounds at:
11.10.2022 20:21

153 z 215: pajper

Privacy policy that you accepted explains that, and why, it is impossible to delete an account.
If you edit all posts, we will restore a backup of them.
Regarding your profile, blog etc. you are free to delete them and we will do it on your request as well. But forum posts are an exception as a contribution to public discussions.
#StandWithUkraine Shoot for the Moon. Even if you miss, you'll land among the stars.
11.10.2022 20:26

154 z 215: Enes

Yeah, got it, but what if I or anyone edits only some of one's posts at a time so as to not make the others notice that they are edited? Because, while my posts will apparently be restored if I edit them all at once, it's not like this very post will be restored if I decide to edit it only to correct a mistake, which would mean that I wouldn't be able to edit any posts as it would be restored instantly.
Enes Find my sounds at:
11.10.2022 20:33

155 z 215: papierek

all posts will be restored if you just delete them by adding spaces instead. If just correct mistakes, it is ok.
po co mi sygnatura?
11.10.2022 22:04

156 z 215: Enes

If the sole problem is the posts' content being replaced with spaces, then I can just replace them with some random punctuation or letters to trick the software.
Enes Find my sounds at:
12.10.2022 00:50

157 z 215: papierek

It is not like that. No matter how you will do it, it will be restored as soon as someone notice it, that's all.
po co mi sygnatura?
12.10.2022 03:08

158 z 215: Enes

Then this process is entirely manual, which means that I can begin with old, closed threads that will most likely not ever be checked by anyone. Also, what if I edit my posts twice, once to overwrite the previous backup and once again to replace it with anything else so as to make sure that the original post will be gone forever even if the post is restored from the one overwriting the riginal one? Alright, this may sound confusing.
Enes Find my sounds at:
12.10.2022 12:40

159 z 215: papierek

Original post is always in back up I guess.
po co mi sygnatura?
12.10.2022 13:04

160 z 215: pajper

I do not have strength nor time to play such childishness. If we see that entries have been deliberately deleted in any way, they will be restored. And it's all.
#StandWithUkraine Shoot for the Moon. Even if you miss, you'll land among the stars.
12.10.2022 13:33

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