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Wątek: Your Bugs and Problems With Elten

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121 z 215: Enes

And now I can't open my very own blog. Same for other blogs.
Enes Find my sounds at:
13.09.2022 10:23

122 z 215: Enes

The problems that I reported earlier, appear to have been fixed.
Enes Find my sounds at:
13.09.2022 12:36

123 z 215: Enes

And now I can't make a new post on my blog and these problems are getting annoying. I doubt the developer ever pays this thread a visit once in a while to see what's going on and that anyone from the tester team reports any of those bugs.
Enes Find my sounds at:
14.09.2022 15:27

124 z 215: fatih

Write to Dawid Pajper directly. Send him a message.

14.09.2022 17:55

125 z 215: hozosch

The question is, will he respond? It's rare he does so nowadays.

14.09.2022 17:57

126 z 215: fatih

Dunno about that.
Updates for this program became something rare as well

14.09.2022 17:59

127 z 215: DianaCician

He has his life too.
Signed by, no one in particular.
15.09.2022 09:32

128 z 215: Enes

What? Are you serious or just kidding? We all have our lives.
Enes Find my sounds at:
15.09.2022 11:22

129 z 215: DianaCician

Yeah, but some people have more busy lives than others.
Not saying that he doesn't have to come to read this from time to time, though.
Signed by, no one in particular.
15.09.2022 12:36

130 z 215: Enes

Okay, he or anyone may just say one is too busy but I or someone else may be relatively busier than that person so we don't have absolute criteria here. Also, one should not automatically grant oneself full immunity merely because one is the developer, even if one never cares about the app and the community here, saying one is too busy to take care of them and assume all the responsibilities. Then he should just let someone else take it over.
Enes Find my sounds at:
15.09.2022 12:40

131 z 215: marchoffmann

ooof. Overtaking of stuff? I don't think it was ever a great idea especially in our so great comunity. And as we see, he comes here maybe very little in a year but idk what he's doing. I don't have the experience of developing but if i have real life stuff to figure, am just busy or have some problems and already need to pay for a server i guess i have other things to do than just sitting every day on elten coding. Also, you don't need to make the admins here look bad, you don't actually know if they report the stuff. As we all know, pajper doesn't reply much regarding anyone. So Its not the fault of the others.
15.09.2022 15:24

132 z 215: Enes

I really don't like engaging in dialogue with you but now I have to tell you that no one from that team of testers ever responded to my questions as to whether they reported those bugs to the developer or not. So we have two likely possibilities here: that they just haven't read my posts or that they didn't respond, most likely because they don't report the bugs. Otherwise they would say that they did report all the bugs but that the developer never responded. And both are problematic, as the former means that the members of that team of testers don't check the relevant thread for bugs to report, while the latter means that they just don't respond to me for whatever reason. Need a more detailed explanation?
Enes Find my sounds at:
15.09.2022 15:31

133 z 215: fatih

I found out that the sounds cuts out intermittently during calls and conferences, even if my internet is working fine in youtube or in other streaming services. Please fix this issue as soon as possible. Changing networks doesn't help in this case.

02.10.2022 15:08

134 z 215: pajper

The main problem is the dispersion of all groups. The most active group is Polish, but even there we have general forums plus beta testing group. The same thing happens here: there is a general forum (in addition divided into two groups) and a beta testing group.
You can get lost in this thicket and currently the Polish beta testing group has the highest priority for me, because there simply is the most of technical, active users.

At the moment, I have no idea for a better solution to this problem. :(
#StandWithUkraine Shoot for the Moon. Even if you miss, you'll land among the stars.
02.10.2022 17:58

135 z 215: Enes

One last suggestion: There should be an option letting users delete their account. It's strange and problematic that the account remains there forever once you create it.
Enes Find my sounds at:
07.10.2022 00:42

136 z 215: nikolai

I mean, as long as you can contact admins and tell them you want your account yoinked, it's not super strange and doesn't violate anything. That being said, might I suggest an automatic process for submitting an account deletion request? That way, we can verify that it's looked at by a human and that if your account falls into the wrong hands they don't have the tools to nuke it.
The Program comes for us all.
07.10.2022 04:45

137 z 215: Enes

Violate? When did I say it did violate anything? But why should I have to wait for the admins to reply to my messages or worry about explaining the situation? Just like making an account, deleting it should take no more than a few keystrokes. And it should be something I can do alone.
Enes Find my sounds at:
07.10.2022 15:01

138 z 215: nikolai

Like I said, if you can delete your account by yourself, then that means that if your account is stolen, they could do it as well. That creates additional work for the network admin who now has to restore your account manually, and that's not always a guaranteed success. This is why basically everyone tells you that your account will be deleted within 30 days and such.

Edited away a grammer error. There was just too much additional more text where there should not be.
The Program comes for us all.
07.10.2022 20:38

139 z 215: Enes

But those everyone do allow you to suspend all activities immediately, even if you're given 30 days to recover or resume using your account.
Enes Find my sounds at:
07.10.2022 21:50

140 z 215: nikolai

Which is not the same thing as deleting your account, which is what you are asking for.
The Program comes for us all.
08.10.2022 00:05

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