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Wątek: Your Bugs and Problems With Elten

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81 z 215: pajper

Thanks, should be fixed now.
#StandWithUkraine Shoot for the Moon. Even if you miss, you'll land among the stars.
16.09.2021 12:56

82 z 215: thespyde

Nope, still there, no audio, though I know my audio was present. Maybe fixed for new posts. I'll go check.
Charles Wells
16.09.2021 15:13

83 z 215: thespyde

Yes, that works for new posts. The others won't play, but yeah, it's working now.
Charles Wells
16.09.2021 16:22

84 z 215: disquete

I have the same issue as the mentioned in the post 73. As a fact, in Windows 8.1, I can't write or comment something if I try to do it in elten's window, so I need to open a notepad to do that. Surprisingly, I have another copy of elten (on a Windows Vista system) which has a modified dll (nvdaHelperRemote.dll replaced with Nvda 2017.3's version of that dll). I want also to report two bugs with that version of elten in Windows Vista. 1. Audio messages don't work (it worked previously), 2. If I clic on the context menu to see the answers of a feed, I get this error: Script 'Controls{eapi}' line 1783: NoMethodError occurred.

undefined method `>' for false:FalseClass
Windows XP forever!
14.10.2021 16:08

85 z 215: hozosch

Are you using sapi 5 with Elten? If that's the case and you're running Windows 8 or later, then I'd advice not to do that and use NVDA instead, that's if you use it as your primary screen reader. Unfortunately, NVDA is the only Screen reader supported by Elten at the moment.

14.10.2021 16:09

86 z 215: Enes

If there is an update, the latest version shown in the What's New section is incorrect. It's something that begins with 1.
Enes Find my sounds at:
14.10.2021 19:19

87 z 215: Enes

If there is an audio message among other text messages and stereo positioning or scrolling or whatever this thing is called, is on, then the sound indicating the message is unread, for the audio message, is played in the center (mono), as opposed to the one for text messages.
I may have to clarify that one.
Enes Find my sounds at:
14.10.2021 20:14

88 z 215: disquete

I'm prety sure that the mentioned problem with Windows Vista and audio messages should be related with a dll that was replaced with some kind of update.
Windows XP forever!
15.10.2021 11:26

89 z 215: disquete

I once got this while trying to see connected contacts: Contactos: <head><title>502 Bad Gateway</title></head>.
Windows XP forever!
22.10.2021 20:35

90 z 215: fatih

Elten doesn't stop using the microphone after disconnecting from a conversation. The ruby interpreter 32-bit is using your microphone icon still appears in the system tray.

23.10.2021 13:46

91 z 215: bomberman29

elten is listening for you, ahahaha. no, i think it is something that doesn't free up the microphone lib in elten
my github:
23.10.2021 15:37

92 z 215: fatih

They should fix it I think

24.10.2021 12:40

93 z 215: GeorgeWu

There is a bug in the conference. it is where you setup a channel with a waiting room and if they want to join this channel, they can hear themself knocking if you push the yes button. Same thing for the no button. Also, if you push the yes button on a user you can hear the leave and join sound at the same time.

15.12.2021 02:11

94 z 215: Jacobww3

Ah yes, I ment to report that but I forgot to do so. I'm the one who first noticed these problems. Me and George were just trying things out and that's when we noticed those things about the knocking sounds and that the connect and disconnect would sound at the same time. It's a little odd. If you can't fix it though, we more than understand.
All of you are amazing. Never forget it!
15.12.2021 15:18

95 z 215: AnotherUser

Let's see, I'm going to try.
Edit: It works xd.
Edit2: You can even send a message to yourself, interesting.
-- (kalahami):
a bug I found is that if you well serch for your user, you can add your self to your contacts list.

29.12.2021 09:08

96 z 215: GeorgeWu

A few minutes ago, I was experimenting with the password reset feature, and I have found a bug, if you type in your username, then after, when it asks you to enter the code that has been given to your email, you cannot receive the email, can you please fix this? Thanks.

11.02.2022 21:50

97 z 215: GeorgeWu

I have a bug with Elten email, the bug is, when I email to someone who is not a Elten user, they will not receive the email, and also it's not in their spam folder, I was experimenting it because I'm trying it on my Gmail account.

09.04.2022 01:38

98 z 215: GeorgeWu

Bug for premium codes, I bought a code for someone, and when they type it in and press enter, it asks do you want to continue, and when they press yes, there is an error message.

09.05.2022 00:33

99 z 215: GeorgeWu

The password reset feature is working again, very nice!

09.05.2022 00:34

100 z 215: fatih

Elten is continuously using the microphone. The microphone icon appears on the system tray, even if I don't speak to anyone or don't use the microphone on elten.

21.05.2022 12:54

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