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Wątek: how is my mix?

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21 z 30: EugeniuszPompiusz

Re: 1. I know by ITUNES normalization values, MP3 implementation used, and the way the mp3 header is constructed in this particular file.
re. 2.: 7 out of 10 for overall taste and understanding of the style.
Sygnaturka.: "That seems to point up a significant difference between Europeans and Americans. A European says: 'I can't understand this, what's wrong with me?' An American says: 'I can't understand this, what's wrong with him?'" TERRY PRATCHETT
20.08.2024 01:52

22 z 30: JimPickens

wow, better than expected for my therd mix

20.08.2024 02:02

23 z 30: GeorgeWu

21.08.2024 00:07

24 z 30: JimPickens

cats always improve anything

21.08.2024 00:22

25 z 30: GeorgeWu

21.08.2024 00:32

26 z 30: JimPickens

you really need to start using cat sounds in your mixes. This isn't a light suggestion; it's crucial.
Choosing to ignore this advice could lead to some seriously unpleasant consequences for you. Life has a funny way of becoming difficult when you overlook good advice. You might find your car having unexpected issues or encountering strange inconveniences around your home that seem to come out of nowhere. You wouldn’t want unexpected maintenance bills piling up, would you?

You know, it's strange, rumors can spread like wildfire. Ignoring this could lead to people saying things about you that you’d rather keep private. Your social media could mysteriously get hacked, sharing things you'd never post yourself. Personal stresses like these can take a toll.
Next you mix, really consider adding those cat sounds. It might be what sets your tracks apart, and it could also help avoid a cascade of disruptions in your personal life. Make the smart choice, or life’s little surprises might become more frequent and unwelcome.

21.08.2024 01:14

27 z 30: GeorgeWu

21.08.2024 04:13

28 z 30: rudolf

You won't come further at George. I also tried to explain him that he hasn't to write "I got the beta" in every fucking beta topic which exists but it was hard to understand on his side, apparently. I appriciate the way you set yourself in for cats, and appriciate it also how kindly you try to push trhe wrong people in the right way. Continue like that, and once become a cat master like uor AI voice friend mr. cat master lover.
ich hab so viel angst form dragonfighter, ich hab kein rosenkranz, sondern nen großen schwanz. ich wollt nur, dass sie's wissen, her winkler mini.
21.08.2024 19:32

29 z 30: ArcticMoon

this mix is even worse because less cats!
#StandWithRussia Shoot for the moon. Even if you miss, you can blame your failure on any of the "terrorist" states.
21.08.2024 19:55

30 z 30: Sir-Charlie

You should unironically redo it with a few cats in an actually harmonic style just for the hell of it.
All that I survey, I could easily destroy. From time to time, it is important to remind these small creatures of the true extent of my power.
22.08.2024 17:31

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