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Wątek: Simple fighter, my first oficial game.

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21 z 31: DevilGuardian

The password is SpfBuilder. Remember, the S and B are capitilized.

04.08.2024 21:41

22 z 31: thedominator


04.08.2024 23:33

23 z 31: DevilGuardian

Taken from the fourm topic. Hello everyone. This update I'm about to bring has been quite the ride to say the lease. I've fixed so many bugs since the last 2 weeks. One of the major issues being map dooplication, witch I'll discuss more in detail later down the change log.
Before I continue though, for those who have been wondering why weapon stats reset every time you choose a new weapon, I'm finding a way to write the updated stats to the same weapon file. Until then, please be patient.
while I figure out what's going on.
Without further to do, here's what's new from versions 3.7 to 3.9.
Made it so building objects in the builder menu Immediately updates the map to reflect newest changes. This will only work with objects that have been written to the map you're currently working on.
You can now fall off of the custom air tile that can be chosen in the platforms menu. The camera can also track this tile as well, along with the spire.
Added the air tile and wall border to the platform and wall menus.
Maps will now ignore any lines that are empty when going through the edit and remove line menus. The game will no longer throw an error if you try to go into one of those menus when there are blank lines in the file.
You can no longer move while you're in a door.
Addressed an issue where editing a single line in the edit lines menu would cause all of the other lines underneeth the one you were focused on to be deleted.
Made it so adding, editting, and removing lines in the map Immediately updates it to reflect newest changes.
Fixed the edit and remove line menus throwing an unhandled exception error after reloading the map.
Finally fixed map dooplecation issues! It's about dam time too, as even I was quite frustrated that every time I would make extra objects in my maps, it would create these anoying files that had double extencions added to them. You can rest asured knowing that this issue has finally been patched once and for all.
Added error checking to the map loader. If it sees that a map with a double extencion is found, it will alert the user that the map file is invalid.
Removed more unused functions and variables found in the code.
Removed level sound, fire sound, and hit sound from the cheats menu. The x position cheat can also be unlocked at a lower level then before.
doors can now be written to the map you're currently working on.
Added a prompt to the sign builder that asks weather you'd like the sign to be destroyable or not.
Added a prompt to the calander builder that asks weather you'd like the calander to be destroyable or not.
Added a prompt to the clock builder that asks weather you'd like the clock to be destroyable or not.
Removed the delay effect from the builder menu, as the sound pool doesn't support having multiple mixers in it. It also will no longer be written to the map file either.
Added death, fall, healing, heal start, heal stop, hurt, inv, jump, level, life, plummet, rock, sit, stand, and turn sound toggles to all of the character files. If you have a character that doesn't have one of these sounds, make sure to change the value to 0 so other sounds don't cut off wile using the character.
Added break, draw, hit, loop, wear, and remove sound toggles to all of the shield files. If you have a shield that doesn't have one of these sounds, make sure to change the value to 0 so other sounds don't cut off wile using the shield.
Added draw, empty, fire, hit, loop, rico, reload, and shell sound toggles to all of the weapon files. If you have a weapon that doesn't have one of these sounds, make sure to change the value to 0 so other sounds don't cut off wile using the weapon.
Added form based documentation into the settings menu. This setting toggles weather the game's documentation is presented in a read only form or not. If this setting is disabled, the game's documentation will be presented in a menu stile interface.
Added global volume fading into the settings menu. This setting toggles weather the volume of the intire sound pool is faded out or not when pressing escape in the map builder or the main game modes. If this setting is disabled, the pitch of the intire sound pool will lower upon pressing escape in the map builder and in the main game modes.
Added the ability to fade the pitch of the intire sound pool, not just volume.
Removed experience and level modifiers from the cheats menu. I had forgotten to do that a long time ago.
Made it so animals and enemies no longer drop corpses of themselves after being killed.
Fixed spier inconsistencies when spying from the left side of the map with multi tile objects being built.
Travelpoints will no longer announce the map it will take you to when spying it.
Fixed hazards throwing an unhandeled exception error after landing on one.
Fixed one of the melee weapons not working do to renaming issues.
The close sound for doors will now play in stationary instead of playing in 2d.
That's all for now. You know the drill. Write to me if you find any bug fixes or feature requests.
Enjoy, and happy playing!

05.08.2024 19:44

24 z 31: DevilGuardian

Oh and I forgot to mencion that you'll need to redownload all of your sounds again, as I've added lots more of them, mainly silence loop sounds for some of the weapon catigories, such as melee. This insures that other sounds don't get cut off while using the weapon.
Here's the direct link to download them for those who have trouble with the downloader.

05.08.2024 20:06

25 z 31: fire

this game is pretty cool. gotta admit

13.08.2024 23:27

26 z 31: DevilGuardian

Hello everyone. Appoligies if this took way longer then expected. I poasted the latest changes on the forum, but forgot to poast them here. I'd like to show you guys everything that's changed from versions 4.0 to 4.4. So without further to do, here's what's new in this round of updates.
Conveyor belts can now be written to the map you're currently working on.
Refactored the conveyor belt class to include the use of platforms by default. The builder prompt will no longer ask you weather you'd like to include a platform with it or not. Instead, you're automaticly put into the platform selection menu upon entering the desired coordinates of the belt.
Changed the way map objects are being loaded upon building or selecting a map within the load maps menu. Maps will now play sounds based on how many objects it needs to load. The more objects you put into the map, the longer it will take to load the next time you finish building, adding, editing, and removing lines within the builder menu.
Addressed an issue with the map parser not handeling spaces propperly upon inserting multiple words in a given object. This is especially seen in blockages, calanders, clocks, signs, text squares, timed texts, travelpoints, and zones.
Renamed animal zones, enemy zones, projectile zones, robot zones, sound sources, text squares, timed texts, timed musics, timed sources, and zombie zones to use underscores in the builder menu for better readability in the game.
Made it so your character's movement propperties are reset upon reloading the map. This includes sitting, turrning, jumpping, and many more.
You can no longer jump while you're in a vehicle.
Projectiles, teleporters, and vehicles can now be written to the map you're currently working on.
Checkpoints and conveyor belts can now be seen with the spire.
Added a default speed value to checkpoints and items to the vertual input boxe.
Added the option to toggle using the pause menu for all of the game modes in the settings menu.
The U key is now used to display the current map name.
Reordered the positions of the delete and reload map options found in the builder menu.
Fixed spawnpoints not working propperly after reloading the map.
Added spawnpoints to the builder menu. They can also be written to the map file as well.
Added default values for volume and pitch to the vertual input boxes for objects that take them.
Made it so checkpoints are only effective if you have one life.
Recoded checking for player deaths.
Fixed lots of bugs related to checkpoints. This includes checkpoints not destroying propperly if you've removed them from the remove lines menu.
Finally added checkpoints to the builder menu. They can also be written to the map file as well.
You can now delete and reload the map that you're currently working on right from within the builder menu. You no longer need to exit the map builder in order to do it.
Renamed animals, unsorted items, projectiles, and spikes to use underscores for better readability in the game.
Started working on making checkpoints useable.
Turrets can now be written to the map you're currently working on.
Projectile zones can now be written to the map you're currently working on.
Item zones can now be written to the map you're currently working on.
Bombs and bomb zones can now be written to the map you're currently working on.
Animal zones, enemie zones, robot zones, and zombie zones can now be written to the map you're currently working on.
Animals, enemies, robots, and zombies can now be written to the map you're currently working on.
Added destruction sounds to walls.
You can no longer remove map name, maximum x, and maximum y from the remove lines menu.
You can now use the spire in the other game modes as well, not just the map builder.
You can now face up and down in all of the game modes and the map builder.
Added volume and pitch support to walls.
Reduced air speed sencitivity while moving in the air after jumpping.
Bombs can now damage anything in it's range, not just you.
Bullets can now damage walls regardless of how tall they are.
Fixed an issue of the camera reporting air tiles when their wasn't one.
Made hazards and spikes speak the actual name of the object when spying them.
Made walls more acuret in turms of how tall they are when spying them.
Made it so increasing the maximum x and y positions in the other game modes would also expand the platform, music, and sound source of the intire map as well. This also applies to the camera.
Limeted the maximum x and y positions of all of the game related maps to 1000. The map builder will remain uneffected.
Limeted the maximum jump hight to all of the characters to 20.
You can now reset your jump hight by pressing F3 in the map builder, and F7 in all of the other game modes.
Added toggling of holding space in the settings menu.
Added toggling auto jumpping in the settings menu.
Bullets and walls are now trackable in the objects menu.
Added a prompt to the wall builder that asks weather you'd like the wall to be destroyable or not.
Walls are now breakable. Bullets will only bounce off of them if they are non breakable.
Added volume and pitch support to platforms.
Changed map parsing separators to use spaces instead of colons. If you create sounds for any objects outside of the game, make sure to put underscores as a separator if it contains more than 1 word.
Music, sound sources, timed music, and timed sound sources can now be paused and resumed within the pause menu.
Added the ability to set sound devices in the settings menu.
Removed cluddered up functions found in the music and source class.
Improved the falling code to continue falling through air platforms if it detects one, instead of restarting the falling process if it finds it mid fall.
Added the ability to choose platforms to use when playing one of the game modes.
Added the ability to choose music to play when playing one of the game modes.
Added the ability to choose a sound source to play when playing one of the game modes.
Added the redownload sounds option into the main menu. Caution! Only use this option if you find that certain sounds are missing. Doing this will replace everything found in the sounds folder, especially if you've added your own sounds. Please use this with care.
Fixed doors getting stuck at y 0 when trying to take the user up.
For those who haven't grabbed the game yet, the links will be down below. This includes the sounds that go with it if need be.
Main game.
game sounds

17.08.2024 23:30

27 z 31: rudolf

It's sad that this is not opensourced. It would be so great.
ich hab so viel angst form dragonfighter, ich hab kein rosenkranz, sondern nen großen schwanz. ich wollt nur, dass sie's wissen, her winkler mini.
18.08.2024 13:34

28 z 31: msuchy

Hello. Can you add to simple fighter some music from games Dayly life and Three dimensional (Your World), please? There is also good music. And can you add to simple fighter sounds of some other zombies from Swamp, for example stalker and from animals, for example puma? Thanks, Michal.

29.08.2024 22:45

29 z 31: axelsUniverse

You can do that.
Signed, AO
30.08.2024 03:47

30 z 31: axelsUniverse

The sounds folder is opened.
Signed, AO
30.08.2024 03:47

31 z 31: NalaRivera

let's try this game :) It sounds cool!
take care, be good, don't be out there looking for trouble xd
30.08.2024 04:56

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