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21 z 39: Pyroklast

I am pro choice. No one except the woman herself should decide what to do with the fetus.

21.07.2024 11:54

22 z 39: Fernando

And I suppose by this logic no one except the woman herself should be allowed to decide what to do with her newborn baby? Or do we get to tell her she's not allowed to kill it?
Chesterton, G.K. "When men choose not to believe in God, they do not thereafter believe in nothing; they then become capable of believing in anything."
21.07.2024 18:17

23 z 39: Sir-Charlie

@21, what about the father?
All that I survey, I could easily destroy. From time to time, it is important to remind these small creatures of the true extent of my power.
21.07.2024 23:25

24 z 39: Lucy

I cannot say I am fully taking any of the sides. I am rather going for a logical, healthy and balanced opinion.
It all depends on the situation.
If the pregnancy is endangering the life of the newborn or the mother, sure thing you would take the safe choice.
If we are talking about lack of possibilities or other misshaps, adoption is an option. Here is the problem though.
At least in my country, the laws of adoption are complicated and nonsensical, not to mention that these families who are up to save a life are, at the same time, picky, to say the least. For these poor beings, the only alternative then is a social institution, thing which, excuse me, does not look like a bed of roses at all, at least in here.
Anyway, not getting into this matter, it is somehow different. Back on the topic, about choices, the only one you should make is, if you can, of course, whether you want a kid or not from the start. It is not even only about wish, but mainly about what you can offer. I am saying this because at least in here, there are a lot of poor people who don't have conditions, neither a good moral state and, in many families, having a new member come is either ambition, either an accident of lacking information about preconceptive methods, a belief or whatever. On the other side, there are some who desperately want a child, but again, laws, people's ambitions, the hard part about mentality. Fine with those who choose not to have a full family even if they can afford it, I can see their reasoning, everyone is free, but the Earth is unbalanced, as always, at extremes, see the luxury in some places and the poverty in Africa, Asia and other regions with polarized social classes.
I didn't mean that poor couples cannot have kids or that a mother who has been through a sexual trauma that resulted in pregnancy should keep the baby no matter what. There are alternatives.
I don't want to insult any religion which prohibits abortion, but we are better safe than sorry.
22.07.2024 20:03

25 z 39: Fernando

Can you condense that into a coherent position?
Chesterton, G.K. "When men choose not to believe in God, they do not thereafter believe in nothing; they then become capable of believing in anything."
22.07.2024 22:01

26 z 39: Lucy

I don't find anything incoherent in what I've said. I just explained everything I have in mind about this issue, giving examples on every single situation. I just said I am not taking sides. To sum it up though, I think this should not be a radical decision, cause there's no patern that applies in every circumstance. Abortion should be a matter of choice, but it is a medical procedure which has its own purpose. If there are health problems or other issues that are endangering the birth, sure thing it is better to make this sacriffice, as some see it, than to kill two people or the baby to die anyway in other circumstances, later on. In other cases related to poverty or harder conditions, be it about moral or material needs, things get complicated. Either the child is born and adopted by someone else, either the mother tries to manage with her own resources. That's it! I cannot be much clearer than that, and I'm going to stop right here. As the topic says, this problem created a lot of controvercy, and I, as an Orthodox cristian with a bit more freedom of thought, don't want to get into religion related conflicts, so I will step back. It was, after all, a bit hard for me to post in here in the first place, but I just wanted to show a different aproach.
24.07.2024 09:34

27 z 39: Lucy

Oh, and btw, to avoid any other questions or to prevent, so to say, people from trying to make me state a thought just between the two radical options, I am clarifying my position: I am pro safe life choices.
24.07.2024 11:06

28 z 39: Fernando

I wasn't saying your statements were incoherent, I was asking for a coherent (clear) position on the issue. Even if you don't take 1 particular side and have a more nuanced view that's still a position. I was just asking for a more condensed version of your position so I could more easily respond and have clarity as to what you believe so I don't misrepresent it.
Chesterton, G.K. "When men choose not to believe in God, they do not thereafter believe in nothing; they then become capable of believing in anything."
24.07.2024 18:37

29 z 39: Lucy

Well, hope now it is clearer.
24.07.2024 20:47

30 z 39: djsenter

It is really interesting to also get women's input on the matter and I hope we can get more of that here, after all the topic is very much related to a decision that ultimately a woman has to make on her own, even if advised, or encouraged for or against by others.
24.07.2024 22:05

31 z 39: Fernando

Chesterton, G.K. "When men choose not to believe in God, they do not thereafter believe in nothing; they then become capable of believing in anything."
24.07.2024 22:25

32 z 39: Pyroklast

I was in a hurry when I wrote the previous post, I mean the woman and the father sould decide what to do

25.07.2024 13:26

33 z 39: Fernando

Can you respond to post 22?
Chesterton, G.K. "When men choose not to believe in God, they do not thereafter believe in nothing; they then become capable of believing in anything."
25.07.2024 19:38

34 z 39: fikretagayev

if you're looking for respect, understanding without judgement because of the question and stuff. blind community is probably the last option to expect these from. you will be judged and get said: we are not saint to not judge your question. of course nice openminded ones are exception which is the minority. as for my personal opinion. i agree with abbortion under medical circumstances.
-- (rambo):
"I've brought up this topic out of boredom and to stimulate a constructive debate. I'm curious about everyone's take on abortion, whether pro-choice or pro-life. Please keep the discussion respectful and constructive. If this topic offends you, feel free to refrain from participating."


02.09.2024 15:28

35 z 39: Sir-Charlie

IDK this thread has been pretty constructive and respectful so far.
All that I survey, I could easily destroy. From time to time, it is important to remind these small creatures of the true extent of my power.
02.09.2024 22:11

36 z 39: Monkey999

I agree and I have nothing more to add. We have the exact same view on this.

-- (Urh2006):
I always believed that abortion is not justifiable but then one day I asked myself, how is it not justifiable? I think that before we're orn we're not even human, we can't control our life so it doesn't matter if we're aborted. The conservatives don't have any good arguments to promote their claims. It's based on religion and i hate religion.

And that, is why you shouldn't do this.
05.09.2024 11:45

37 z 39: Sir-Charlie

That line of thinking might lead you to justify things like murder though.
All that I survey, I could easily destroy. From time to time, it is important to remind these small creatures of the true extent of my power.
05.09.2024 15:06

38 z 39: thespyde

I don't believe most things a doctor says, so I don't want to put a baby's life in his assumption that something will happen to the mother. Too many cases I've heard that the mother refused the doctor's abortion demand and the baby and she survived just fine. People want to cheapen life by playing Russian Roulette, and see where this has gotten us.
Charles Wells
06.09.2024 12:02

39 z 39: Fernando

See post 5
Chesterton, G.K. "When men choose not to believe in God, they do not thereafter believe in nothing; they then become capable of believing in anything."
07.09.2024 20:55

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