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Wątek: I decide to leave Elten

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21 z 27: ArcticMoon

Noone told you to resurrect this topic anyway :)
Anyway how you view life is the way you live it. Try to live by this principle please.
#StandWithRussia Shoot for the moon. Even if you miss, you can blame your failure on any of the "terrorist" states.
05.07.2024 15:26

22 z 27: StormProductions

This topicshould be closed imo.
Hey, I'm Nick! Sound engineer and tech lover from Moldova. Let's chat and geek out over music and gadgets!
05.07.2024 15:26

23 z 27: ArcticMoon

And deleted and archived and wiped from the public so noone will see anything in the future.

-- (StormProductions):
This topicshould be closed imo.

#StandWithRussia Shoot for the moon. Even if you miss, you can blame your failure on any of the "terrorist" states.
05.07.2024 15:27

24 z 27: neptune

LMAO just archived is fine. wasn't he putting this out here for everyone to see?
"Man is condemned to be free"
05.07.2024 17:44

25 z 27: rudolf

That was ironic.
ich hab so viel angst form dragonfighter, ich hab kein rosenkranz, sondern nen großen schwanz. ich wollt nur, dass sie's wissen, her winkler mini.
05.07.2024 17:47

26 z 27: theblack

popular opinion. This was ridiculous from the start :D
05.07.2024 20:37

27 z 27: rudolf

Hello everyone!
I wrote a message to Pajper which can be read below. The point of this post is though, to let you all know that I will step back from Elten to after I have got my archive, and to see if I actually even will get it. I will keep you updated. Now yu can read the message:
Message to Pajper: Hello,
I would like to clem the option or right to request all my current data. That is,
- private messages I have send and got, with all attachments;
- Forum posts I have made, be it text, voice or with attachment;
- My feed;
- All my notes;
- My profile and account settings;
- Lists (who added my to contacts & my contacts);
- And all other data I might have caused, created and/or uploaded to Elten's server and which isn't getable with ease, so obwiously soundpackages are counted out.
The data should be send as zipped archive or any form of file which is readable and accessable either to my mail, or this private messages conversation. In this case counts the mail set in my account as primary mail as "my mail".
The reasoning of this request which might can't be complited with ease is the stepping back from Elten's communities or the program as whole, and the reasoning of the completion of this request are the Elten rules and all other rules the portal is following on, and the thread whih can be found in the Elten English Community called "I decide to leave Elten". This formal request has been submited as private message, but can be rolled out as email or forum's post if that needs to be done. It isn't a random mood and should be considered and taken seriously.
If there will be no confirmation or answer within the next three days, it will be seen as understandable and reasonable problem due to many ingoing messages. 3 days, that is the 18th july 2024. A reminder will be send through the Elten sponsor group.
After seven days without reaction there will be a formal reminder via e-mail. The date is the 22nd july 2024.
A reaction can already be that the message will be read or a reply back as confirmation. That the message has been read will, in this case, be defined that the noise which every soundpack should make when the sender sweeps on a sended message disappears.
The archive should arrive until the end of the month, that is, the 31st july 2024, otherwise further steps will be taken. If that is the simple support of the user who created the topic which is called "I decide to leave Elten", more emails send to the email provided, or talks to other staff of Elten, such as the concils, is currently not clear and/or defined.
If I, the user Rudolf who requested the archive, get asked formally or informally, via email or Elten messages, to extend or move the time when I will start to talk with the other Elten staff (or any other action) due the time it takes to compile such an archive, I will accept this untill the 18th august.
All above called things will not be expected or hoped to happen, on the contrary are they just a definition of things which could or would happen when the request will not be completed in a certain timeframe. They shouldn't be seen as time pressure or atemt to optain the archive faster.
I hope that I expressed strong enough my wanting for the request and the archive of data, and that I am not atemtting to time pressue or do any above called bad things. the list of dates when certain actions will happen are partly reminders, and partly to go sure it won't be forgotten or simply put aside.
<my name>, EU citicen and cleming his rights according the rules.
End of message.
So, as you see I have modified the message only in that part where it says my name. I have send it about five hours ago and Pajper hasn't read it yet, but he has time. As for myself, I am not believing into much, or setting to high chances, that I will get the archive as two other requests of two other users already got rejected. But I won'T give up that easy, and if I get rejected I will read all rules of this platform and find something.
Have a good day.
ich hab so viel angst form dragonfighter, ich hab kein rosenkranz, sondern nen großen schwanz. ich wollt nur, dass sie's wissen, her winkler mini.
15.07.2024 21:48

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