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Wątek: get Elten Premium codes for free as demo trial

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21 z 33: marchoffmann

Features can look nicer or be worse than program said they are? Why do you think some games have free tryals. The game description tells you what it does. Same for normal apps.
-- (rudolf):
But what you want to test? There is a list with everything and what it does. And I can say everything works as far as I know.

Don't trust people if they don't give you a good reason to. They'll use it against you. Love them, But ask God whether yes or no.
18.06.2024 13:59

22 z 33: Jacobww3

I think what he means by testing is he want's to see how good of a job for example spellcheck and translate does and other things like that before buying that package. He knows what those things do. But he wants to see for himself how to use it so that he can figure out what would work for him. I think that's right?
All of you are amazing. Never forget it!
23.06.2024 03:27

23 z 33: Jokyboy129


23.06.2024 10:16

24 z 33: magistral

unfortunately, it's not available to get a free tryel.
However, I don't see the point to buy elten premiumpackages IMO.
ғᴜᴄᴋ ᴛʜᴇ ʜʏᴘᴏᴄʀɪsʏ
23.06.2024 14:43

25 z 33: Urh2006

The sponsor package would be worth its price only and only in the case that the price would be 10 dollars a year.
When you're stuck, just try harder.
23.06.2024 14:43

26 z 33: GeorgeWu

I have Sponsor package for a good couple of years, for what you get is not bad, all the premium features are there just in case you want to use it

23.06.2024 15:47

27 z 33: khalil2009

agree with urh tbh. I wouldn't pay 50 dollars for that. alsow. on a nother note does anyone find it dum that you have to pay to disable signatures visibility on forums?
Behold, mortals, and tremble in awe, For I am the sovereign, the ultimate law. Bow down before me, for I hold all sway, In my presence, you'll kneel and obey. I am the master of fate's relentless tide, With power unmatched, I shall abide. All shall serve at my beck and call, For I am the ruler, the one above all.
23.06.2024 16:02

28 z 33: ArcticMoon

George, I feel you...
23.06.2024 16:15

29 z 33: GeorgeWu

Disabling signatures should be a free feature in my opinion.

23.06.2024 17:55

30 z 33: Jacobww3

I think the spell check and the translate feature should be free because of the fact that everyone here are from different countries and english is not their first language. So by having those features free, it would be great for those who want to communicate with people who don't speak english. As this is an international friendly program, we should be more accomadating to everyone
All of you are amazing. Never forget it!
24.06.2024 04:07

31 z 33: rudolf

Firstly this is the wrong group to suggest someting regarding Elten, and secondly probably even the wrong topic.
24.06.2024 14:48

32 z 33: daszekmdn

Stop. Wait.
You don't need to buy the sponsor package to get all features. There's also cheaper option called Orchestral pack which contains everything what sponsor offers, only without listing you on the sponsors list.
Sponsor is created for sponsors, people, who wanna support Elten who do not necessarily even care about what the packages offer.
Koniec kropka, idź do żłobka. A ze żłobka na ulicę, i pocałuj babę w cyce.
24.06.2024 15:49

33 z 33: Paulinux

All answers has been given, so I'm closing this topic now. Please place your opinions about Elten on Elten development group.
Happy hacking
24.06.2024 16:24

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