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Wątek: NVGT: The Stronger Game Engine

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21 z 46: Sir-Charlie

Avoiding the question at hand and dragging up an irrelevent point is a classic tactic one uses when they know that they've lost the discussion. And the point you've brought up isn't valid because being Old and Slow also applies to using the older versions of C++, and the bit about BGT being slow is flat out false.
I'm finished discussing with you because it's clear that having a discussion with you in good faith is about as realistic as finding a decent home for sale in New York City affordable to a minimum wage worker in 2024.
All that I survey, I could easily destroy. From time to time, it is important to remind these small creatures of the true extent of my power.
02.06.2024 20:13

22 z 46: rudolf

Guys, to come back to the actual topic, NVGT is running on version 0.85.1 now.
ich hab so viel angst form dragonfighter, ich hab kein rosenkranz, sondern nen großen schwanz. ich wollt nur, dass sie's wissen, her winkler mini.
03.06.2024 17:54

23 z 46: daszekmdn

I wasn't here for a few days. Sorry al. Fixed everything. So sad that mod doing mess. This post will be removed within 24 hours.
Koniec kropka, idź do żłobka. A ze żłobka na ulicę, i pocałuj babę w cyce.
06.06.2024 09:38

24 z 46: DJWolfy

Arctic moon, you are just wrong or saying nonsense with everything you have said here. NVGT is not a c derivative, and neither is bgt, they are c-like and use angelscript as the scripting language. Whether a language is c-like has no effect on its performance. Tell me, do you know how to code, or do you just like to think that you're better than other people? And before you go complaining at me, this is coming from a "proper coder" as you say, who knows python, rust, and has some limited experience with c, lua, c++ and many other languages. Is it possible to code because one wants to make games, and not for employment, did you know?

06.06.2024 10:26

25 z 46: marchoffmann

Meh at this point, I agree with you but she got her warning for this entire bs here and we should be a better example than she is by just moving on from this.
06.06.2024 11:01

26 z 46: DJWolfy

Yup I mean this is why I haven't opened these forums in a couple weeks

06.06.2024 12:42

27 z 46: DJWolfy

I kind of wish I hadn't posted that though, now that I read on other people said what I said already

06.06.2024 12:43

28 z 46: ArcticMoon

I'm not going to start arguing here, as I think this is an absolutely adequate comment, for which I'd just like to answer.
While I haven't coded anything more difficult than a few lines in my life, I'm talking to a lot of programmers from all around the world. I'm interested in the topic and I have some plans to learn coding properly, I just haven't had the possibility yet to get a teacher. While there are a lot of things I might not know, a lot of programmers show and tell me the disadvantages of such languages as BGT, NGT, NVGT, etc. And these things are logical.
For a beginner these things are good for sure, I agree. But it gives people a feeling like they can develop anything from scratch in 5 minutes and they can be the king of programming. However, it just doesn't work that way.
Why do you think, there are still a lot of clones at these days? Because people have an illusion of doing everything without putting effort in the process, so the only thing they do is they host a server, change some lines of code and the game is ready.
This is the illusion such a language also gives. I'm not blaming the existence of them anyway, but all the addvertisements, which keep telling us that we are stupid people if we don't click on something to get a profession or get something done in a minute. They addvertise programming as something that a 2-year-old child can learn as well in a few days, while it's more complex than just a few lines here and there.
These languages teach us that no matters how much you know, at the end you'll have a lot of money without any effort. And that's not cool.

-- (DJWolfy):
Arctic moon, you are just wrong or saying nonsense with everything you have said here. NVGT is not a c derivative, and neither is bgt, they are c-like and use angelscript as the scripting language. Whether a language is c-like has no effect on its performance. Tell me, do you know how to code, or do you just like to think that you're better than other people? And before you go complaining at me, this is coming from a "proper coder" as you say, who knows python, rust, and has some limited experience with c, lua, c++ and many other languages. Is it possible to code because one wants to make games, and not for employment, did you know?

#StandWithRussia Shoot for the moon. Even if you miss, you can blame your failure on any of the "terrorist" states.
06.06.2024 15:19

29 z 46: marchoffmann

Thanks for a calm answer, should I say?
Programers around the world? Well I want you to ask yourself how many of them are blind or not. Just throing stuff like o I know people from all over the world doesn't strengthin this. Here is the thing. Don't you think if any py game would ever get leaked that people won't clone them too? A dude even said in a forum here once that brave is strictly a clone of google chrome. And that's not even python. Clones don't have to be easy to be clones. And why do you think those people have no idea of how a good game looks like? Cuz actually, 1. They just like the game they clone, want it back and since they're kids they add some stuff they call quote, good shit. Or 2, they just understand those languages in the process and after 1 or 2 years they get to finally make their own projects. Don't underestimate the work just cuz your world programmers who probs don't know anything about those engines tell you something you just spread. Tip, build up your own opinion, and be open to other ones. So to conclude I'd say that those langs really arn't just going to be easy just because you see a lot of clones. All they do is copy paste working code into other working codes and that is why clones are buggy, bc the codes work so differently. I'm sure clones are only buggy because they don't know how to fix them. And would you call that knowledge? And simplifying doesn't mean to take off all the work... That counts for anything, not just programming. And so does the clone thing, not just nvgt/bgt.
-- (ArcticMoon):
I'm not going to start arguing here, as I think this is an absolutely adequate comment, for which I'd just like to answer.
While I haven't coded anything more difficult than a few lines in my life, I'm talking to a lot of programmers from all around the world. I'm interested in the topic and I have some plans to learn coding properly, I just haven't had the possibility yet to get a teacher. While there are a lot of things I might not know, a lot of programmers show and tell me the disadvantages of such languages as BGT, NGT, NVGT, etc. And these things are logical.
For a beginner these things are good for sure, I agree. But it gives people a feeling like they can develop anything from scratch in 5 minutes and they can be the king of programming. However, it just doesn't work that way.
Why do you think, there are still a lot of clones at these days? Because people have an illusion of doing everything without putting effort in the process, so the only thing they do is they host a server, change some lines of code and the game is ready.
This is the illusion such a language also gives. I'm not blaming the existence of them anyway, but all the addvertisements, which keep telling us that we are stupid people if we don't click on something to get a profession or get something done in a minute. They addvertise programming as something that a 2-year-old child can learn as well in a few days, while it's more complex than just a few lines here and there.
These languages teach us that no matters how much you know, at the end you'll have a lot of money without any effort. And that's not cool.

-- (DJWolfy):
Arctic moon, you are just wrong or saying nonsense with everything you have said here. NVGT is not a c derivative, and neither is bgt, they are c-like and use angelscript as the scripting language. Whether a language is c-like has no effect on its performance. Tell me, do you know how to code, or do you just like to think that you're better than other people? And before you go complaining at me, this is coming from a "proper coder" as you say, who knows python, rust, and has some limited experience with c, lua, c++ and many other languages. Is it possible to code because one wants to make games, and not for employment, did you know?


06.06.2024 15:57

30 z 46: khalil2009

I don't think this post should be removed. rather I think it should be closed and put in the archive so people could look back and use these post as evidence on why she shouldn't mod something again

06.06.2024 16:01

31 z 46: ArcticMoon

What's the difference between a blind and a sighted programmer anyway? They must learn the same things to become successful programmers. I mean noone is any better or worse.
As for people all around the world, I have just told the truth, nothing more or less. I didn't try to make my words weigh more or something. It must be surprising for people who don't really speak any languages other than english, but I can be found in several communities in more languages.

-- (marchoffmann):
Thanks for a calm answer, should I say?
Programers around the world? Well I want you to ask yourself how many of them are blind or not. Just throing stuff like o I know people from all over the world doesn't strengthin this. Here is the thing. Don't you think if any py game would ever get leaked that people won't clone them too? A dude even said in a forum here once that brave is strictly a clone of google chrome. And that's not even python. Clones don't have to be easy to be clones. And why do you think those people have no idea of how a good game looks like? Cuz actually, 1. They just like the game they clone, want it back and since they're kids they add some stuff they call quote, good shit. Or 2, they just understand those languages in the process and after 1 or 2 years they get to finally make their own projects. Don't underestimate the work just cuz your world programmers who probs don't know anything about those engines tell you something you just spread. Tip, build up your own opinion, and be open to other ones. So to conclude I'd say that those langs really arn't just going to be easy just because you see a lot of clones. All they do is copy paste working code into other working codes and that is why clones are buggy, bc the codes work so differently. I'm sure clones are only buggy because they don't know how to fix them. And would you call that knowledge? And simplifying doesn't mean to take off all the work... That counts for anything, not just programming. And so does the clone thing, not just nvgt/bgt.
-- (ArcticMoon):
I'm not going to start arguing here, as I think this is an absolutely adequate comment, for which I'd just like to answer.
While I haven't coded anything more difficult than a few lines in my life, I'm talking to a lot of programmers from all around the world. I'm interested in the topic and I have some plans to learn coding properly, I just haven't had the possibility yet to get a teacher. While there are a lot of things I might not know, a lot of programmers show and tell me the disadvantages of such languages as BGT, NGT, NVGT, etc. And these things are logical.
For a beginner these things are good for sure, I agree. But it gives people a feeling like they can develop anything from scratch in 5 minutes and they can be the king of programming. However, it just doesn't work that way.
Why do you think, there are still a lot of clones at these days? Because people have an illusion of doing everything without putting effort in the process, so the only thing they do is they host a server, change some lines of code and the game is ready.
This is the illusion such a language also gives. I'm not blaming the existence of them anyway, but all the addvertisements, which keep telling us that we are stupid people if we don't click on something to get a profession or get something done in a minute. They addvertise programming as something that a 2-year-old child can learn as well in a few days, while it's more complex than just a few lines here and there.
These languages teach us that no matters how much you know, at the end you'll have a lot of money without any effort. And that's not cool.

-- (DJWolfy):
Arctic moon, you are just wrong or saying nonsense with everything you have said here. NVGT is not a c derivative, and neither is bgt, they are c-like and use angelscript as the scripting language. Whether a language is c-like has no effect on its performance. Tell me, do you know how to code, or do you just like to think that you're better than other people? And before you go complaining at me, this is coming from a "proper coder" as you say, who knows python, rust, and has some limited experience with c, lua, c++ and many other languages. Is it possible to code because one wants to make games, and not for employment, did you know?



#StandWithRussia Shoot for the moon. Even if you miss, you can blame your failure on any of the "terrorist" states.
06.06.2024 18:24

32 z 46: rudolf

Guys, the topic is nvgt.
ich hab so viel angst form dragonfighter, ich hab kein rosenkranz, sondern nen großen schwanz. ich wollt nur, dass sie's wissen, her winkler mini.
06.06.2024 18:41

33 z 46: theblack

This constant unnecessary fighting is tiring. NVGT, BGT, and NGT were, are, and will always be tools to simplify life for blind programmers. Those who clone games do so because they lack the knowledge, and this can be done in Python, C++, or the most simple and automated programming language in the world, if such a thing existed. It doesn't change anything. Some of us prefer Python, while others prefer BGT, NGT, or NVGT, and all these programming languages are available for us to choose from, depending on what we want to work with.
06.06.2024 19:01

34 z 46: rudolf

Very well said.
ich hab so viel angst form dragonfighter, ich hab kein rosenkranz, sondern nen großen schwanz. ich wollt nur, dass sie's wissen, her winkler mini.
06.06.2024 19:13

35 z 46: daszekmdn

There's any possibility to compile an old things written in bgt without rewriting it? I need only to remove the false positives.
Koniec kropka, idź do żłobka. A ze żłobka na ulicę, i pocałuj babę w cyce.
06.06.2024 20:38

36 z 46: rudolf

Hmm, don'T get it? Are you asking how do you port bgt things to nvgt? Just change the extension name t .nvgt. Depending on the script or game's size yu need to fix some bugs, probably.
ich hab so viel angst form dragonfighter, ich hab kein rosenkranz, sondern nen großen schwanz. ich wollt nur, dass sie's wissen, her winkler mini.
06.06.2024 22:04

37 z 46: Sir-Charlie

@35 there is a section on the page that discusses porting over. I think you have to import the bgt compat include nd you should be golden.
Has anyone done any testing on the performance of BGT Vs. NVGT? Just curous
All that I survey, I could easily destroy. From time to time, it is important to remind these small creatures of the true extent of my power.
06.06.2024 22:19

38 z 46: daszekmdn

I tried, but got something like this
line: 22 (1)
ERROR: No matching symbol 'mainmenu'
But it's normally written looks:
I can compile it in bgt without any problems, so i thing that more has changed.
Koniec kropka, idź do żłobka. A ze żłobka na ulicę, i pocałuj babę w cyce.
07.06.2024 06:35

39 z 46: rudolf

And if mainmenu(); doesn'T exists e.g. no matching symbol, that means that the void does not exist or can't be found.
Another tipp: #include"folder/*.nvgt"
ich hab so viel angst form dragonfighter, ich hab kein rosenkranz, sondern nen großen schwanz. ich wollt nur, dass sie's wissen, her winkler mini.
07.06.2024 13:17

40 z 46: rudolf

So, actually I am very interested when the documentation about SQL will be finished as I tink Sam is the only one which is able to document it. Also how it works as well, like do you have a dll and it creates the data somewhere you want have it in, or do you need an extra server istance? Well, we'll see.
ich hab so viel angst form dragonfighter, ich hab kein rosenkranz, sondern nen großen schwanz. ich wollt nur, dass sie's wissen, her winkler mini.
07.06.2024 20:19

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