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Wątek: Vocalizer for NVDA exclamation and emotions

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21 z 55: Jacobww3

Of course that's if they want to that is.
All of you are amazing. Never forget it!
19.12.2023 04:18

22 z 55: alchappers

I think you are just being an annoyance, there's no need to point stuff out like that, Marc. I've noticed you do that far too often.
-- (marchoffmann):
Well yes, but that is what is the topic for, so people will just do it freely without anyone saying anything once the question in post 1 has been asked lol

Listen to Tesla and grow some balls
19.12.2023 07:18

23 z 55: Kaito

Which voice does that work with?
-- (Janagirl):
I found another one.

Signed: Orochimaru.
19.12.2023 10:14

24 z 55: Jacobww3

Yes which one.
All of you are amazing. Never forget it!
19.12.2023 14:33

25 z 55: marchoffmann

You in particular have problems with everyone cuz we don't behave like you want us to behave. I'm using my freedom of speech/point out my thoughts on the matter and you're not anyone that is able to change that, nor are you anyone's dad.
-- (alchappers):
I think you are just being an annoyance, there's no need to point stuff out like that, Marc. I've noticed you do that far too often.
-- (marchoffmann):
Well yes, but that is what is the topic for, so people will just do it freely without anyone saying anything once the question in post 1 has been asked lol


19.12.2023 15:33

26 z 55: Jacobww3

It's not a big deal here. in anycase. Marc was just telling me that I didn't have to encourage everyone to join the topic. I don't do this often so it's good for me to know. Anyways we better get back on topic before we get coght
All of you are amazing. Never forget it!
19.12.2023 15:43

27 z 55: alchappers

Now that's just plain projecting lmao
-- (marchoffmann):
You in particular have problems with everyone cuz we don't behave like you want us to behave. I'm using my freedom of speech/point out my thoughts on the matter and you're not anyone that is able to change that, nor are you anyone's dad.
-- (alchappers):
I think you are just being an annoyance, there's no need to point stuff out like that, Marc. I've noticed you do that far too often.
-- (marchoffmann):
Well yes, but that is what is the topic for, so people will just do it freely without anyone saying anything once the question in post 1 has been asked lol



Listen to Tesla and grow some balls
19.12.2023 18:25

28 z 55: Kaito

It works with Suzan and ?British Kate. I've tested it.
-- (Jacobww3):
Yes which one.

Signed: Orochimaru.
19.12.2023 20:23

29 z 55: Jacobww3

I know that Kate does have a witch laugh that she does.
All of you are amazing. Never forget it!
19.12.2023 20:29

30 z 55: Kaito

Oh lmfao yeah she laughs like a witch.
Signed: Orochimaru.
19.12.2023 20:30

31 z 55: Janagirl

I tested it using the german voice Petra.
Gruß von Janagirl!
20.12.2023 14:31

32 z 55: Jacobww3

It's amazing what you can do with these voices. Such a shame you can't do these things on an iPhone or a mac
All of you are amazing. Never forget it!
20.12.2023 14:33

33 z 55: marchoffmann

O really? Weird though, they use the newest versions
20.12.2023 17:16

34 z 55: Jacobww3

That's what I mean, apple had set voiceover so that it won't reckodnize exclamations.
All of you are amazing. Never forget it!
20.12.2023 19:02

35 z 55: GeorgeWu

I agree on post22
-- (alchappers):
I think you are just being an annoyance, there's no need to point stuff out like that, Marc. I've noticed you do that far too often.
-- (marchoffmann):
Well yes, but that is what is the topic for, so people will just do it freely without anyone saying anything once the question in post 1 has been asked lol



21.12.2023 00:00

36 z 55: Janagirl

Yeah, I found out myself that it doesn't work on iphones. I tried it myself because I thought it could work there as well.
Gruß von Janagirl!
21.12.2023 01:16

37 z 55: marchoffmann

Well, at least with iOS 17 eloquence has changed a little I think. I didn't update but a friend did, and the way it pronounces commas sometimes is different. For example. Watsapp, now, notification. It's hard to explain but if you compare it to iOS 16 it's different. So weird that they only improve eloquence. And I strongly dislike the new ava. Stuff like, 5 minutes and 34 seconds pm I once had. Disgusting.
21.12.2023 04:11

38 z 55: Jacobww3

You're right. Apple has better start doing something soon.
All of you are amazing. Never forget it!
21.12.2023 04:12

39 z 55: blazy-enterprises

the new ava isn't an ios issue, its an issue with vocalizer7.5.6
listen to tesla and grow some balls
22.12.2023 06:11

40 z 55: Jacobww3

All of you are amazing. Never forget it!
22.12.2023 06:12

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