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Wątek: new web that allows us to create text to html without knowing anything about the subject.

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21 z 36: rudolf

thank you. will check it out if I need it.
ich hab so viel angst form dragonfighter, ich hab kein rosenkranz, sondern nen großen schwanz. ich wollt nur, dass sie's wissen, her winkler mini.
29.09.2023 14:29

22 z 36: Jonathan

Hi people, I now own the english part of the webpage, the new link is
There will still be updates added on the ppage, and you can also find a link to the original project with in other languages there. have fun and another huge thanks to @theblack!
*edit, please don't be afraid of the alert that the page is not secure, I am trying to fix this, but I promise, there is nothing dangerous!

26.10.2023 21:20

23 z 36: theblack

Well people, first of all I hope you are well. I bring you 2 news.
As Jonathan said, now the English section belongs to him. I decided to hand him over this project. The second news is. For my part, I will not continue updating this section. I will only make security updates, or updates requested by @Jonathan.
Now the project in English is his, and I kept the original section in Spanish.
Thanks to all those who trusted play tecno converter HTML. In total we became 21,300.
I say goodbye for now to the English section. If I develop something else for the section, I will let you know and I will deliver the relevant codes to the new owner.
26.10.2023 21:24

24 z 36: alchappers

That's cool
Listen to Tesla and grow some balls
27.10.2023 01:22

25 z 36: theblack

just something else I'm thinking of developing for both languages. This is the Windows application of the website, so it is not necessary to be connected to the Internet. but I don't know when I will do it. I'm planning other projects like a password generator that I published a while ago in Spanish, so I don't know when I'll get around to programming this.
27.10.2023 01:25

26 z 36: khalil2009

why doesn't this website have https?

27.10.2023 02:52

27 z 36: theblack

It is due to lack of SSL certificate. That costs money, I guess they'll add it when they can.
27.10.2023 03:17

28 z 36: Jonathan

Yea, as I wrote bevore, I am relative new to web development, so I am open for friendly critic what to improve, ssl certificates are not added correctly but I try to do research how to add them comfortably. sorry for any problems that may ocure.

27.10.2023 08:12

29 z 36: Seedy-Threepio

Ahem, Let'sEncrypt?
-- (theblack):
It is due to lack of SSL certificate. That costs money, I guess they'll add it when they can.


27.10.2023 12:58

30 z 36: Jonathan

Well, please read my posts, I don't have that much knowledge, if you would be so free to formulate a whole sentance with a information how to do it, then I am very happy to hear!

27.10.2023 13:00

31 z 36: Jonathan

all right, ssl is now activated on the page, have fun using play tecno!

05.12.2023 17:28

32 z 36: theblack

Well, I know that the web section is from @Jonathan but I have to make an update to the JavaScript libraries on the website, then I will send it to him and he will be in charge of notifying you when it is in perfect working order
14.12.2023 21:17

33 z 36: theblack

Well, This thread has been inactive since 2023, but as I am lazy and had nothing done, I need to communicate something. Jonathan gave the project to @rudolf, and as I said I would make a play tecno version for Windows, so it will be done. Nothing complex, nothing out of the ordinary in large programming languages. It is a simple program of a few MBs with a text field, an HTML options menu, and a save option. I plan to publish it soon, just 1 or 2 months before another project I have in mind. The program is already done, I just need to translate it to English.
22.07.2024 22:44

34 z 36: rudolf

Currently, the ptc project is not reachable on my side though. This has to do with server stuff I am currently working at. I'll send a link when I'm done.
ich hab so viel angst form dragonfighter, ich hab kein rosenkranz, sondern nen großen schwanz. ich wollt nur, dass sie's wissen, her winkler mini.
22.07.2024 23:38

35 z 36: theblack

Well, the program has already been published. The bad news is that it is temporarily only in Spanish, I want to know your opinion. Do you want to have the same program? or wait for 1.0.1 to have the English language
07.08.2024 21:36

36 z 36: theblack

For people interested in the program despite the language barrier, I leave you the page where you can find it. Obviously the program and the website will be in English starting with the new version, but I needed to make it public since I needed to read the comments of some users, and at the moment the program is very stable, with no errors apparently.
08.08.2024 19:57

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