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Wątek: tinnitus

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21 z 26: battlestar

I know I haven't posted here in a while, so thought I'd give you an update on my tinnitus journey. After an evaluation to determine the impact tinnitus was having on my life, an evaluation that let me with a tinnitus spike for nearly a week, it was determined that my tinnitus has caused a serious impact on my life. With that finally in hand, I began the hard task of trying to adapt to life with this constant noise in oneor both ears, depending on the day. Sometimes, one ear is silent, while the other is loud, or sometimes, like today, both ears are going nonstop. So how do I cope with this constant noise? I have to use a masker, or something that blocks out the noise I'm hearing, usually, anything that plays running water does the trick. For this, I use a skill on my echo called nature sounds. I also joined a few support groups for people who live with this condition. It helps to know you're not alone. Another thing I do is limit my exposure to loud noise, such as tvs, radios, music, etc. Some people who have tinnitus are also sensitive to loud noise. I am one of these people. I have stopped using headphones, as they make the noise seem louder. I also keepmyself busy during the day. The trick to dealing with the noise to keep your mind focused on other things, so it doesn't focus on the noise you have to constantly live with. Focusing on the noise just makes it worse, something I discovered in the early months of having to live with tinnitus.

17.04.2022 03:09

22 z 26: patrykkubaszczyk

for me, it almost never happens, so.
and it's high pitched sound that drives me bonkers, if it happens once for few years, even.
because I am now using mac as main comp, I will not come here too much.NEW
17.04.2022 13:41

23 z 26: battlestar

Figured I'd post this question here. While looking at a support group I found, one of the posters said that their tinnitus got worse after getting the Covid shots. Has that happened to anyody else? That's when min started to get worse. Within 12 hours of my first shot, I started to get tinnitus in my left ear, before the shot, it had only been in my right ear, and would come and go. After my second shot is when the noise became constant in both ears and has not quit, accept for the time when I took an airplane ride.

24.04.2022 17:29

24 z 26: Louisa

I’d say it defenately got worse. Before I Just had ringing in the ears sometimes. I’ve also heard that stress can also affect ringing in the ears, or make it worse. I’m glad you finally got the help you needed.

10.06.2022 18:51

25 z 26: fikretagayev

it's tnitus but a natural degree
-- (SeedyTV):
Often, when the place is deadly silent, like, no sound whatsoever, I here a kind of whirring noise, like a vintage desktop computer. I've had this for as long as I can remember. Could this be related to tinnitus, or is it just a natural thing? Is it more common with blind folks? Or, could it be that the human brain has a sound, but it can only be heard in dead silence, much like how starlight can only be seen in near-pure darkness?


31.05.2024 11:35

26 z 26: fikretagayev

like what?
-- (analuz):
i could tell you what it is but i'm too afraid of being criticized
what I can say is that it's not just related to the nervous system it also has other things much beyond


31.05.2024 11:36

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