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Wątek: Introducing and Presenting to you, Audio Pub. Audio sharing platform.

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1 z 10: Sir-Charlie

Hello there. AS the title would suggest, Audio Pub is a platform dedicated to sharing audio content. Think of it like a replacement for Any Audio, or like an early form of YouTube. It is free to sign up and share. So why not give it a look?

P.S: The staff can feel free to move this if they feel it doesn't fit here.
All that I survey, I could easily destroy. From time to time, it is important to remind these small creatures of the true extent of my power.
27.06.2024 18:20

2 z 10: GeorgeWu

It's a very good replacement since any audio is down for five years.
And who created audio pub?

28.06.2024 00:20

3 z 10: thespyde

I tried registering but they don't trust my email provider, ugh. I've written to the host, hoping he'll unblock.
Charles Wells
28.06.2024 11:24

4 z 10: Sir-Charlie

The Byte Bender, Good content on Audiopub was drowning in AI-generated content lately, so I launched to deal with it. Don't worry, this isn't a total AI ban. I'm just trying to separate the low-effort stuff from the creative work. So Basically, if you're just throwing prompts at an AI and uploading whatever it spits out, that's going to the new site. likewise for mass-produced AI uploads. But if you're using AI as a tool in your creative process, or making experimental stuff that uses AI in not overused cool ways, your content is staying on the main site. we'll be taking a closer look at uploads. Anything that's clearly just AI output with no real human touch is heading to ai-trash. But if we can see you've put genuine effort and creativity into it, even if AI helped along the way, your content is good to stay on the main site. This isn't about AI being bad. Notice that the new mirror is called ai-trash, not just ai. But it's about keeping some standards and not letting the site get flooded with low-effort spam. will be a full mirror of the main site. Your uploads there will still be playable and accessible, just not cluttering up the main feed. If one of your uploads gets moved there, it doesn't mean that was a punishment. It was just to keep the main site clean. Unless you spam... But that's a different story., 1 hour ago, @meatbag, Public article 14 of 25
All that I survey, I could easily destroy. From time to time, it is important to remind these small creatures of the true extent of my power.
12.07.2024 00:29

5 z 10: labron3

good content? hahahahahahahahahahahahahhahaahah nigga fag ass

12.07.2024 03:21

6 z 10: Adasadula

Oh yea, I had enough of shitty suno songs :P

-- (Sir-Charlie):
The Byte Bender, Good content on Audiopub was drowning in AI-generated content lately, so I launched to deal with it. Don't worry, this isn't a total AI ban. I'm just trying to separate the low-effort stuff from the creative work. So Basically, if you're just throwing prompts at an AI and uploading whatever it spits out, that's going to the new site. likewise for mass-produced AI uploads. But if you're using AI as a tool in your creative process, or making experimental stuff that uses AI in not overused cool ways, your content is staying on the main site. we'll be taking a closer look at uploads. Anything that's clearly just AI output with no real human touch is heading to ai-trash. But if we can see you've put genuine effort and creativity into it, even if AI helped along the way, your content is good to stay on the main site. This isn't about AI being bad. Notice that the new mirror is called ai-trash, not just ai. But it's about keeping some standards and not letting the site get flooded with low-effort spam. will be a full mirror of the main site. Your uploads there will still be playable and accessible, just not cluttering up the main feed. If one of your uploads gets moved there, it doesn't mean that was a punishment. It was just to keep the main site clean. Unless you spam... But that's a different story., 1 hour ago, @meatbag, Public article 14 of 25

Jednakże, dzięki swojej odwadze i determinacji, Cicikowi udało się ostatecznie pokonać czarownika i uwolnić ciumbaki. Po powrocie do domu, Cicik z radością zaczął zbierać nowe ciumbaki i bawił się nimi przez długie godziny, wiedząc, że są one teraz bezpieczne i szczęśliwe.
12.07.2024 10:00

7 z 10: daszekmdn

Good decision.
Koniec kropka, idź do żłobka. A ze żłobka na ulicę, i pocałuj babę w cyce.
12.07.2024 17:33

8 z 10: ArcticMoon

well good luck with listening to all the audio available and manually choose what worths enough to stay there :D
#StandWithRussia Shoot for the moon. Even if you miss, you can blame your failure on any of the "terrorist" states.
12.07.2024 23:16

9 z 10: Adasadula

but you as user can move it to AI trash, I think it isn't very hart to filter all this site. It isn't youtube with terabytes of films
Jednakże, dzięki swojej odwadze i determinacji, Cicikowi udało się ostatecznie pokonać czarownika i uwolnić ciumbaki. Po powrocie do domu, Cicik z radością zaczął zbierać nowe ciumbaki i bawił się nimi przez długie godziny, wiedząc, że są one teraz bezpieczne i szczęśliwe.
13.07.2024 11:27

10 z 10: Sir-Charlie

The pub is now open source. That doesn't mean that development has stopped. That simply means that community input is welcome, and, of course, you can start your own fork.
All that I survey, I could easily destroy. From time to time, it is important to remind these small creatures of the true extent of my power.
19.07.2024 00:03

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