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Wątek: Recommend me an ultimate E-mail client for Windows.

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1 z 27: cyrmax

Hey folks! I need your advice!

During all my life I used the only one EMail client on Windows. That was ThunderBird from Mozilla.
But in recent versions this formerly wonderful application got a bunch of terrible bugs.
I am talking not only about accessibility but about overal usability, stability and responsiveness.
So, now I am actively searching a replacement for so familiar but sadly spoiled with bugs E-mail client.
Of course I can try out dozens of different apps to find the best and of course I am going to try some options. But what if you recommend me something really great?

My situation with e-mail is as follows:
1. I have more than five accounts from different providers: Google, Yandex, and some custom self-hosted e-mails.
2. Letters are not stored in single "inbox" folder but sorted to lots of different folders either by email provider itself or by a custom service or script. So I need fast access to all these folders without clicking thousand buttons.
3. Push notifications about new letters should be instantly delivered. I do not check my e-mail two or three times a day but I keep the client open always to react instantly to new incoming e-mails.
4. Some of my emailboxes are older than 10 years so they keep more than dozens of thousands letters. That is the reason for ThunderBird to lag and freeze every time I open the client or perform any search.
5. I actively use search feature either in single folder or even across multiple accounts with complex filters and conditions.
6. I have lots of letters with attachments. Sometimes I need to save a bunch of them to disk and sometimes need just opening them and quickly viewing some PDF or txt.
7. Because of frequent work threads or threaded Github notifications I need... Yes, of course support for email threads, for expanding and collapsing them.

Of course almost every email provider has all these features in their own web-version or even standalone application (like Google).
But I couldn't find any email client which can unite all these things for several accounts. Of course besides ThunderBird.
On my smartphone I use from VK (email app from the company I work in) and it supports everything I need.
But for Windows... I didn't find anything similar.
Of course if I use Linux I can dig into the documentation and set up what I need with Neomutt and a bunch of scripts. But I use Windows and do not want to keep WSL or VMWare open just to receive email.

So, if you have something to recommend I would be very glad.

p.s Excuse my english, please. It is not my native language.

29.11.2023 14:53

2 z 27: thespyde

Just out of curiosity, have you tried Thunderbird 115? It is said to be faster and such. I haven't noticed any difference except that the tab order is more cluttered, erasing all my hard work. I certainly don't have the requirements you do so Thunderbird does what I want, even with the more cluttered tab order.
Charles Wells
29.11.2023 16:10

3 z 27: radiorobbe

You could also try to start off with a fresh profile to solve some errors, especially slow performance. I had to do this a few years ago, and despite the extra effort tweaking all settings again it helped a lot. Another email client that fits your requirements probably is hard to find. For smaller email setups I somehow like the idea of OE Classic, but the free version only allows 2 accounts, and it still has some accessibility hickups.
-- Keiner ist unnütz. Er kann immer noch als schlechtes Beispiel dienen!
29.11.2023 16:30

4 z 27: Mckensie

I have.

29.11.2023 16:30

5 z 27: Jonathan

have what?
money? Cool, give to me!
-- (Mckensie):
I have.


29.11.2023 17:25

6 z 27: cyrmax

Oh sorry, I didn't mentioned.
I am talking about TB115 allready.

-- (thespyde):
Just out of curiosity, have you tried Thunderbird 115? It is said to be faster and such. I haven't noticed any difference except that the tab order is more cluttered, erasing all my hard work. I certainly don't have the requirements you do so Thunderbird does what I want, even with the more cluttered tab order.

29.11.2023 18:15

7 z 27: Louisa

Hello, for me thunderbird stil works fine. But then again, I don't have your setup. I can only agree about the multiple tabs thing, which does clutter things.
I hope you find what you're looking for. And your english is fine, I understood what you ment.

29.11.2023 22:15

8 z 27: Jokyboy129

Use Windows Mail.
mein Blog:
30.11.2023 10:14

9 z 27: Jonathan

lol, if I try to log in my google account on windows mail it says something about unsecure, this client is meh.
I also used ThunderBird but as cyrmax said, its not really good anymore.

30.11.2023 11:48

10 z 27: Jokyboy129

I use Windows Mail with Gmail, Aon-Mail and TSN
mein Blog:
30.11.2023 12:21

11 z 27: radiorobbe

AFAIK Windows Mail will be replaced by the new Outlook app soon, and I think that neither the one nor the other would be a good option for him.
-- Keiner ist unnütz. Er kann immer noch als schlechtes Beispiel dienen!
30.11.2023 13:42

12 z 27: thespyde

I tried Outlook but it won't sign me into my AT%T account, which is actually Yahoo. Windows Mail is the only one I can use for that address. Yahoo wants a phone number now, so they're getting harder to use with an email client.

Thunderbird doesn't support Yahoo's security protocol.
Charles Wells
30.11.2023 14:30

13 z 27: bomberman29

well, guys, why do email clients use there own security protocols rather than something similar to oauth?
my github:
30.11.2023 16:14

14 z 27: thespyde

oauth is what Yahoo uses, and probably others, and Thunderbird doesn't have this.
Charles Wells
30.11.2023 17:36

15 z 27: radiorobbe

Thunderbird has oAuth support and also works with Gmail and Yahoo. I have accounts at both providers and successfully use them in TB.
-- Keiner ist unnütz. Er kann immer noch als schlechtes Beispiel dienen!
30.11.2023 17:41

16 z 27: thespyde

I'll check it out. The last time I tried to connect it with my AT&T account it wasn't there.
Charles Wells
30.11.2023 17:54

17 z 27: thespyde

Nope, it just isn't there. I wound up trashing my GMX account and had to recreate it. Oh well, glad I have Windows Mail for the AT&T account.
Charles Wells
30.11.2023 18:19

18 z 27: cyrmax

I want to try new Outlook. My friend told me that it could be suitable for my usecase.
I have lots of negative feedback about Outlook but I think I should at least try it myself to decide.

-- (radiorobbe):
AFAIK Windows Mail will be replaced by the new Outlook app soon, and I think that neither the one nor the other would be a good option for him.

02.12.2023 16:58

19 z 27: marchoffmann

Well for school outlook does it for me.
02.12.2023 17:53

20 z 27: hozosch

Well, the new outlook has a bad reputation for spying like crazy. Stuff like your account data is sent straight to microsoft, allegedly to offer functions that other email clients don't have. For me, thunderbird is fine as well and I'll keep using it. And often, I use f6 instead of the tab key, really speeds things up for me.

03.12.2023 13:47

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