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Wątek: Braille notetakers and their usefulness in 2022

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1 z 22: fireborn1472


I've been thinking about this for a while.
In your opinion, are Braille notetaker devices, such as the Braille not touch, or el-braille useful in 2022, or has that entire market segment outlived its usefulness?
sometimes the world is better without sight... Because you can see the world how it really is... Dark
01.10.2022 12:02

2 z 22: nikolai

No. Braille displays are expencive ennough as it is, and putting a gimmick smart OS on it makes it even more expencive. Most blind people do not make the kinds of money to even get a braille display to begin with, so they have to appeal to an organization or a government institution and hopefully get them to pay for it. Bluetooth braile displays and a phone or computer is the way to go.
The Program comes for us all.
01.10.2022 12:54

3 z 22: aldenmaster

I don't think that they are useful for the same reasons as post 2, but they are also larger and heavier than a braille display. The keyboard have to be loud so they feel somewhat good, and they are expensive. You can buy a tablet without the braille display that has the same specs as the notetaker for about $300, guessing here, and then go buy a braille display for that, still $3000, but that's not $6000. And if one thing fails or you don't like the size, upgrade it.
Similar events happening a second or third time may yield a similar future. Don't rely on past futures of past futures to drive your life now.
01.10.2022 13:39

4 z 22: railwayguy

I think they are still very useful
Take now for instance the Braille Sense 6 from Hims Inc. You can take it anywhere with you; it doesn't weigh that heavy at all; you can download and install apps from Google Play; listen to thousands of radio stations and Podcasts; record; FM radio Wordpad Notepad and so much more.
Yes, it costs a little bit money but it's worth its price. I have it and I am very happy about it. I'm using it every day. It's so easy for reading books.

01.10.2022 16:11

5 z 22: GraceDontmindbeingblind

I use a braille note taker, because I cant get windows 10 to use nemeth braille code for math. so I guess there is some use for them for me
01.10.2022 20:39

6 z 22: usuf

i tend to type faster on a note taker then i do on a computer, I have a braille sence 6 by the way

01.10.2022 21:05

7 z 22: ArcticMoon

All you described here, Railwayguy, works much more smoothly on a computer. And notetakers are ridiculously expensive anyway so I don't know what most of you all love about them.
02.10.2022 13:31

8 z 22: nikolai

I mean they exist, and they keep existing, which means that they are at the very least a sustainable business fitt at the expence of being super costly. Pluss, it's convenient for blind people and the world just loves convenience right now. Take Humanwares victor reader stream for example. You can basically do anything you could with this with a phone, sometimes even better, except mostly there are no sd card slots or, recently, a headphone jack. Who knows how many of them they sell, but they still keep selling them. This is going to keep going for a while.
The Program comes for us all.
02.10.2022 22:23

9 z 22: aldenmaster

That's what I try to tell people who tell me about their Victor Readers. I tell them that it is thick, slow, still using a physical keypad, worse mic than a phone, about the same price as a cheap phone which can do a lot more things, and specialized. I can spend twice on a new phone that does a lot more. I cn't watch videos, play games, check weather, message, email, video or voice chat with a Victor reader, but my phone does all of those with ease.
Similar events happening a second or third time may yield a similar future. Don't rely on past futures of past futures to drive your life now.
03.10.2022 13:12

10 z 22: thespyde

Nothing like old-fashioned buttons rather than poking around on a touch screen. When I want to read I want to get right to it. Now, back to topic.
Charles Wells
04.10.2022 11:50

11 z 22: aldenmaster

Just learn where things are on the screen. Problem solved.
Similar events happening a second or third time may yield a similar future. Don't rely on past futures of past futures to drive your life now.
22.01.2023 16:25

12 z 22: Seedy-Threepio

@10 Here here! I grew up typing on keyboards and I'm gonna stick with it. Touch screen memorization is great, right up until there's a massive UI update and things get moved around.

22.01.2023 17:49

13 z 22: ArcticMoon

And what then? Swipe through the touchscreen once again and you'll get the new positions. Not a big deal really. But yeah, that's called entitlement.
22.01.2023 19:59

14 z 22: bomberman29

what if we have a fully functional braille notetaker with linux in it! it will be great! we would have linux everywhere!
my github:
27.01.2023 06:23

15 z 22: Seedy-Threepio

We have the Braillenote Touch since Android is (technically) Linux.

29.01.2023 18:38

16 z 22: bomberman29

is android linux? than how to access terminal?
-- (Seedy-Threepio):
We have the Braillenote Touch since Android is (technically) Linux.

my github:
31.01.2023 16:49

17 z 22: Fcnjd

@14 Great idea here! I personally have a Focus 5 and enjoy the possibility of being able to choose to either use it with my computer, or alone independent of any other device to read books, take notes etc. So I'm a fan of Braille notetakers.
Der Fuchs ist schlau und stellt sich dumm, beim Nazi ist es andersrum.
03.03.2023 23:04

18 z 22: devinprater

I think they can be useful, but not on top of 5 year old Android, with 3 year old diverged TalkBack.
Devin Prater
05.03.2023 09:35

19 z 22: rooktallon

Oh, I think they've not outgrown their usefulness. If only they weren't so expensive, I'd be getting a Braille Sense without a doubt. It's a great device with some very welcome features. Well worth it if only I could fund getting one. Even with financing I wouldn't be able to buy one on my own.

05.03.2023 09:48

20 z 22: musicman5464

I think that for some people in some cases, yes. Braille notetakers are still useful. However, with technology being how it is at present, this could very well change in a few years time.
Regards, Joseph
05.03.2023 12:59

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